Onigiri Nezumi Horde, Tiny, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Nibble (w[2d4-2] damage) 3 HP 0 armor Hand, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Keen sense of smell A mouse who loves to celebrate. Rice cakes are its favorite and it will happily welcome any who give it and its friends the gift of rice. Instinct: To Celebrate
- Sing and Dance
- Labyrinthine Nest
- Shriek
Bakeneko Solitary, Stealthy, Magical, Intelligent Claws (d10 damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 0 armor Close A cat that has lived long enough to develop powers and growth large enough to use them to impersonate humans. These powers come at the cost of a terrible hunger. Instinct: To feed
- Devour Target
- Impersonate Humans
- Dancing Flames
Nekomata Solitary, Stealthy, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying, Messy Claws and fangs (d10+2 damage 3 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Tail trip, Maddening gaze A cat that has accumulated enough power for its tail to split, a sign of its terrible abilities and corrupted desired. Instinct: To feed
- Devour and grow
- Impersonate Humans
- Create dancing flames
Gorlash, the Cursed Flame Solitary, Intelligent, Terrifying Spiky Skull Maul (w[2d10+4] damage 2 piercing) 16 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Unyielding Rage, Relentless Pursuit Gorlash was once a fierce and respected orc warrior, known for his strength and ferocity in battle. However, in his last great conflict, he was grievously wounded—deafened by a brutal blow to the head and left with only one eye after a vicious strike from an enemy's fire magic. Humiliated and burning with rage, Gorlash sought revenge at any cost. He turned to the shaman of his tribe, offering his very soul in exchange for power. Now, he roams the battlefield as a vengeful spirit encased in flesh, driven by an unquenchable thirst for revenge. Instinct: To seek and destroy those who wronged him.
- To exact his revenge on those who wronged him and to fulfill the dark pact with his shaman, no matter the cost.
- Cursed Flesh: Gorlash's wounds no longer bleed, and his body is numb to pain. He is immune to fear, poison, and all forms of Fire manipulation.
- Soulbound: Gorlash's pact with the shaman has bound his soul to his body, making his soul resistant to death. He can only be truly killed if his cursed body being destroyed and when his soul is released also be destoryed, which requires a powerful magical blow on his soul or the destruction of the shaman who holds his soul.
- Soulbound Strength: Gorlash's pact with the shaman grants him unnatural strength. He can perform feats of brute force that defy his injuries, such as shattering shields, breaking bones with a single strike, or tearing through heavy armor.
Blood Demon Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Divine, Magical, Planar, Amorphous physical attack (d12+4 damage 1 piercing) 25 HP 1 armor Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Immune to Poison, Pure/Holy Water Weaknes The Blood Demon is a malevolent and cunning entity from the Abyss, thriving on the blood of the living. Its true form is an amorphous mass of dark, pulsating flesh and viscous blood, but it rarely reveals this hideous shape. Instead, the Blood Demon shapeshifts into forms that appeal to its prey—beautiful, trustworthy, or powerful—whatever is needed to manipulate and deceive. Instinct: To corrupt and control through blood.
- To spread its influence through blood and manipulate others to do its bidding, ultimately causing chaos and suffering.
- Persuasive Charm: As a master manipulator, the Blood Demon can use its words to sow doubt, instill fear, or inspire misguided loyalty in those who listen to it. When it speaks, its words are laced with subtle magic, making them difficult to resist.
- Bloodbending: The Blood Demon can manipulate blood within a living creature's body, causing intense pain, controlling their movements, or even forcing them to act against their will.
- Blood Pact: Anyone who offers their blood to the Blood Demon falls under its control. This control is subtle and insidious, allowing the demon to influence the victim's thoughts, decisions, and even memories over time.
- Shapeshifting: The Blood Demon can change its form at will, adopting the appearance of any creature it has tasted the blood of. It uses this ability to trick and deceive, often appearing as a trusted friend or a figure of authority.
- Regeneration: The Blood Demon heals rapidly by absorbing blood, regenerating 1d4 HP each time it draws blood from a living creature.
- Demon's Guile: The Blood Demon is nearly impossible to deceive or outwit, having eons of experience in trickery. Attempts to lie or manipulate the demon are doomed to fail unless backed by overwhelming evidence or magic.
Molepie (Magmole?) Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Hoarder Magic-sapping claws (d10 damage 2 piercing) 20 HP 1 armor Special Qualities: Absorbs any magic that contacts it Some call them Molepies, others Magmoles; what is clear is that they're so named because they are large burrowing creatures with black and white feathery plumage that seek out and steal magical items to drain of their power when safely back in their nest. Their digging claws are wickedly sharp and can drain magic in a pinch, however they prefer to slowly savour their prize in the safety of their home. Magic striking the beast can be absorbed entirely. Instinct: To find and devour magic
- Feed on a source of magic
- Burrow into the ground to flank
A Pirâmide Grupo, Enorme, Construto, Grotesco Garras e Dentes (d8+7 damage) 22 HP 0 armor Alcance, Poderoso, Corpo a Corpo Special Qualities: Famintos, Podres A Pirâmide. Ela começa como uma miragem cintilante na planície árida da desesperança econômica que atravessou a vida de um indivíduo qualquer. Uma ilusão de riqueza, talvez? Não, é algo mais perverso. É uma estrutura monstruosa. Um amálgama construído não com tijolos ou pedras, mas com promessas vazias e corpos. Cada nível, cada degrau, sustentado pelo próximo cadáver que acredita ser escolhido para uma nova chance, e que finalmente chegará ao topo. Os primeiros participantes são atraídos com promessas de uma recompensa fácil, de um fluxo contínuo de riquezas que vai escorrer lentamente até o último degrau. A esperança de que poderão saldar as dívidas que acumularam quando vivos. Mas aí reside a mentira. Não há fluxo. A força aglomerada na pirâmide vem de novos recrutas. Eles acreditam que, se conseguirem trazer mais pessoas, subirão na pirâmide. Mas isso nunca vai acontecer. A pirâmide sempre vai se expandindo, sugando mais e mais vidas e corpos para sustentar aqueles poucos que, de forma precária, se mantém alimentados. No fundo, os mortos que se juntam à pirâmide sabem. Cada um, em algum canto escuro do que restou de sua consciência, tem a noção de que é uma fraude. Mas a ganância, o desespero ou talvez a vontade de pertencer a algo maior os cegam. A pirâmide é podre. É assim que surge a Fome. A pirâmide é faminta. Ela busca sustentar seu peso se alimentando de mais vítimas para compor sua base. Dezenas de mãos cadavéricas com garras afiadas dilaceram a carne dos novos membros e dentes de predador devoram os corpos que farão parte do esquema. É um jogo cruel. As pirâmides não foram construídas para se sustentarem... elas são feitas para devorar. Instinct: Expandir a pirâmide
- Junte-se ao esquema
- Falsas promessas
Devedor Ossudo Horda, Grupo, Construto Mordida (d6 damage) 11 HP 3 armor Perto Special Qualities: Podres, Fraqueza: Luz do Sol, Resistência à dano perfurante e cortante Podre: Eles exalam um mau cheiro terrível, sendo sentido à distância Instinct: Obedecer
- Servir seu mestre
- Mais um pro time
Devedor Espectral Solitário, Mágico, Traiçoeiro, Inteligente, Planar, Construto Toque Incorpóreo (d10 damage) 16 HP 4 armor Perto, Ignora Armadura Special Qualities: Intangível, Amaldiçoado, Fraqueza especial, Resistente (fogo, frio, eletricidade não-mágico) Amaldiçoado: o Devedor Espectral é incapaz de agir sob a luz da lua; Fraqueza: o Devedor Espectral é particularmente vulnerável à luz do Sol e à qualquer símbolo sagrado do Deus do Sol. Instinct: Pagar suas dívidas
- Roubar essência vital
- Compartilhar dívida
- Congelar com o toque
- Visões da morte
Stoya Solitário, Mágico, Inteligente, Planar, Terrível Toque da Decomposição (d10 damage) 16 HP 2 armor Corpo a corpo, Ignora armadura Special Qualities: Insubstancial Os gritos fantasmagóricos do ex-líder cultista, Stoya, ecoam vindos de um pentagra ma no piso do salão. Qualquer perturbação no pentagrama libertará Stoya. Uma armadura mística o protege. Instinct: Destruir, ativar o ídolo.
- Fazer o ambiente se mover como se estivesse vivo.
- Traz os mortos de volta à vida.