Spellsword Group, Magical, Intelligent Falchion (b[2d8+2] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful, Ignores Armor Spellswords enchant themselves before fighting on the front line. Instinct: To battle
- Disarm, uses elemental magic to disarm the opponent
- Enchants self with elemental power, adding d6 to offense and defense of element
Ninja Group, Magical, Devious Poison dagger (b[2d6] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor Fast and dangerous, the ninja ends a fight before it starts. Instinct: to assassinate
- Sneak attack
- Enchantment of Wind, grants flight and doubles speed
- Witchbane, poison that inhibits the use of magic for the next day
Shielder Group, Magical, Cautious shield (d8 damage) 10 HP 6 armor Close, Reach Shielders from the MIC use enchantments on top of their already impressive defense to keep their party from harm. Instinct: To protect
- Guard a nearby ally
- Arcane Shield, +3 armor to an ally after they've been guarded
- Intercept, teleport to an ally they can see to defend an attack
Guardia de la cárcel Horda, Organizado, Inteligente Porra, Maza, Lanza o Espada (daño d6) 3 HP 1 armor Cerca, Corto alcance El típico guardia de la prisión es un soldado experimentado, bien entrenado para mantener el orden dentro de la prisión. Visten una armadura ligera de cuero reforzado y llevan una porra y un escudo pequeño, listos para sofocar cualquier motín o escape. Son disciplinados y trabajan en equipo, patrullando constantemente los terrenos de la prisión y respondiendo rápidamente a cualquier incidente. No tienen piedad con los prisioneros y están entrenado para actuar con eficiencia en cualquier situación Instinct: Mantener la seguridad
- Golpe de porra
- Alertar: Pedir refuerzos
- Bloquear el paso: con su escudo o cuerpo impiden el avance
Chadpole Solitary, Huge, Devious, Hoarder Tongue lash (pulls objects in) (d8+3 damage) 24 HP 3 armor Reach, Near This giant tadpole wants to eat unique specimens, anything magical or weird that it hasn't seen before. The more variation it gets, the more it progresses towards being a frog (also giant). Currently has a couple of small back legs forming. Named after a big grung called Chad, everyone loved him so they named the big tadpole after him. Instinct: To ingest uniqueness
- Swallow whole
- Spit up a specimen
Orc Mechaniac Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Big Spanner (d8 damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close All orcs live to tear civilization, kicking & screaming, down into the mud, & this one is no exception. What makes the mechaniac different is that they think its damn funny to use civilization's own tools to do the tearing down. They beat technical information out of any engineers & tinkerers they can find. Armed with just enough knowledge to be dangerous (as well as scrap metal armor & an enormous wrench), a mechaniac wreaks havoc on siege engines & dungeon traps alike. Instinct: to sabotage
- turn a machine to its purposes
- make something go haywire
- unleash a barely-understood device
Onigiri Nezumi Horde, Tiny, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Nibble (w[2d4-2] damage) 3 HP 0 armor Hand, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Keen sense of smell A mouse who loves to celebrate. Rice cakes are its favorite and it will happily welcome any who give it and its friends the gift of rice. Instinct: To Celebrate
- Sing and Dance
- Labyrinthine Nest
- Shriek