Popular Monsters

The Thing in the Well Solitary, Large, Stealthy
Dark Tentacles (w[2d12] damage) 16 HP 1 armor
Reach, Near

"Good morning," the Thing in the Well calls, "And how are we doing this morning Mrs. Westmen?" -- "Just wonderfully. How have you been keeping, Thing?" -- "Fine, fine. A little peckish, a bit in the mood for, you know, a nibble, a bite to eat. But don't worry yourself, perfectly fine." -- "It's quite alright Thing, I was just thinking I should bring by some lunch. How does a ham sound?" -- "You are too kind Mrs. Westmen, just too kind..." -- The Thing in the Well has lived in the village for longer than anyone can remember. It is traditional to fix regular meals for the Thing, and to present it with a sheep or pig on special occasions. Years ago a boy went down the well on a dare. He never returned. The subject has not been broached in the presence of the Thing. Instinct: To devour

  • Politely collect tribute
  • Leverage townspeople through secrets
  • Purify water
  • Hide in darkened waters
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.
Clockwork Defender Group, Large, Organized, Construct
Crushing blows from metal limbs (d8+2 damage) 12 HP 3 armor
Special Qualities: Metal, Clockwork, Well-hidden weak spot

"The Old Ones, they knew much. Not the alchemy of man nor the sorcery of warlocks and the like. No, this is the magic of gears and pulleys, the sorcery of science. Watch your every step in the tower: be wary or you may call to life the ancient defense systems. You'll know the Defenders have awoken long before you face them, that's for sure; they're louder than a stomping giant and their hulls scrape the stone walls. You'll hear them coming, I'm sure you can avoid them, go on in the tower. Me? I... I'll stay out here. Got to have a lookout post, right?"

Instinct: Destroy all Intruders! *click* Defend the domain!

  • Display immense and uncaring strength
  • Soldier on, ignoring all damage until the last
  • Reveal a hidden function from the depths of its gearworks
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.
Otyugh Solitary, Large
Tentacles (d10+3 damage) 20 HP 1 Armor
Close, Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Filth Fever

The mating call of the otyugh is a horrible, blaring cry that sounds like a cross between an elephant dying and an over-eager vulture. The otyugh spends much of its time partly submerged in filthy water and prefers eating garbage over any other food. As a result, it often grows fat and strong on the offal of orcs, goblins and other cave-dwelling sub-humans. Get too close, however, and you’ll have one of its barbed tentacles dragging you into that soggy, razor-toothed maw. If you get away with your life, best get to a doctor, or your victory may be short lived. Instinct: To befoul

  • Infect someone with filth fever
  • Fling someone or something
This monster is from the core Dungeon World book
The Shadows That Melt Flesh Horde, Tiny, Stealthy, Intelligent, Planar, Amorphous
Millions of tiny bites (b[2d6-2] damage) 6 HP 1 armor
Hand, Ignores Armor
Special Qualities: Completely intangible swarms

Each individual shadow is actually a swarm of tiny, dust-sized demons. No one is quite sure where they come from, or how to kill them, but it is known that children of every species on every plane of existence know to fear the darkness . . . Instinct: To spread

  • Devour flesh
  • Impersonate voices
  • Absorb knowledge from those it kills
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.
Fire Beetle Horde, Small
Flames (d6 damage ignores armor) 3 HP 3 Armor
Special Qualities: Full of flames

Scarabaeus pyractomena! What a delightful creature—see how its carapace glitters in the light of our torches? Not too close now, they’re temperamental, you see. The fire in their belly isn’t just metaphorical, no. Watch as I goad the beast. Aha! A spout of flame! Unexpected, isn’t it? One of these creatures alone, if it comes up from below, can be a hellish nuisance to a farmstead or village. A whole swarm? There’s a reason they call it a conflagration of fire beetles. Instinct: To enflame

  • Undermine the ground
  • Burst from the earth
  • Spray forth flames
This monster is from the core Dungeon World book

Recent Monsters

Goopy gasbag Group, Huge, Devious, Amorphous
Explode and spread goop (b[2d6+3] damage) 21 HP 2 armor
Reach, Near

A giant floating gas bladder filled with combustible vapours and corrupting black-purple slime. Strikes in a small group, aiming to contaminate the highest profile target. It appears like a floating, dripping ball of black-purple ooze. Instinct: To discharge

  • Explode
  • Spreads corrupting goop
House Guard – Bowmen Group, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious
Crossbow (b[2d8] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor
Close, Near, Far

There are many Men and Women like these in the Vale, sworn to protect their Noble house against intruders and other threats. In smaller Towns and Villages they support the Militia or Watch, or function as such. These Men and Women chose a different kind of Weapon to support their brothers and sisters on the front lines: Crossbows. Their specialty is to take out intruders even before they enter the premises. While those with a bow excel at volume of fire, These men and women have to make their shots count. And count they do, ripping through lighter Armor and taking the intruders off their feet. Instinct: To protect the Noble Family

  • Aim, Fire, Reload
  • Call for SUpport
  • Durck and Cover
  • Switch to Melee (DAggere d6 damage)
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.
House Guard Group, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious
Spear (d8 damage) 6 HP 1
Close, Reach

There are many Men and Women like these in the Vale, sworn to protect their Noble house against intruders and other threats. In msaller Towns and Villages they support the Militia or Watch, or function as such. Depending of the Size and affluence of theri Masters their equipment and Training varies, but nay House that holds itself to a certain Standard will supply them with the best they can. Their lives depend on it after all. They live and train and fight together, all in Service to their House. Instinct: Protect the Noble Family

  • Keep the objective behind them
  • Sound the Alarm
  • Flank and Support
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.
Armaduras Animadas Group, Large, Construct, Amorphous
Espadada (b[2d8+2] damage) 17 HP 4 armor
Special Qualities: Vazias, acionadas quando invasores entram no local errado

Criadas como forma dupla de proteção e também de armadilha. São acionadas ao entrar em certas construções erradas. Essas fichas foram criadas para serem utilizadas com a aventura Tomb of Gilgamesh lançada pelo one page dungeon contest 2022. Instinct: Proteger o local de intrusos

  • Proteger os tesouros de Gilgamesh
Fanatique du culte du dragon Groupe, Organisé, Intelligent, Prudent
Cimeterre (d6 dégâts) 6 PV 1 armure

Un groupe qui se fait appeler le Culte du Dragon s’efforce de sceller des alliances avec de puissants dragons de la Côte des Épées. C’est dans ce but que quatre fanatiques ont récemment suivi un dragon vert jusqu’à Arbrefoudre (voir la zone 7). Ils attendent à présent le bon moment pour l’aborder et lui proposer une alliance. Ils l’espionnent de loin afin de comprendre son comportement et ses besoins. Les fanatiques n’ont aucune envie de se battre avec qui que ce soit et préfèrent qu’on les laisse en paix. Le chef du groupe est un jeune homme malveillant et ambitieux nommé Favric qui espère s’élever rapidement dans la hiérarchie du culte en obtenant l’allégeance du dragon vert de la zone 7. Ses compagnons n’ont pas autant d’ambition et s’enfuient s’il se fait tuer ou capturer. Si les aventuriers discutent avec les fanatiques, Favric leur explique qu’il est venu négocier avec le dragon vert (dont il ne connaît pas le nom). S’ils lui disent vouloir eux aussi parler au dragon, Favric leur propose une alliance. En réalité, il compte offrir les aventuriers au dragon en plus du tribut prévu et, si un combat éclate, les fanatiques se battent aux côtés du dragon. Instinct: Prêter allégeance aux dragons

  • Fuir
  • Dialoguer
  • Coup d'épée
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.