Chittermung Scout Group, Small, Intelligent, Construct Sling (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Cursed Chittermung are small humanoids with features of woodland rodents such as squirrels, chipmunks, even occasionally flying squirrels. They vehemently guard their forest, keeping enemies at bay with simple weapons. or with claws and teeth if needed. Chittermung are created when a chittermung elder curses a would be adventurer who travels to the wrong part of the woods. Instinct: protect the forest
- Run through the trees
Nothic Solitaire, Intelligent, Furtif, Informe, Magique, Terrifiant (d6 dégâts, griffes / d6+2 dégâts nécrotiques, regard) 8 PV 2 armure Contact (Griffes), Proche (Griffes, Regard), Courte (Regard) Instinct: Se nourrir de chair
- Attaque avec ses griffes
- Etrange intuition : Le nothic peut apprendre par magie un fait ou un secret concernant la cible
- Regard décomposeur : Le nothic peut viser une créature dans son champs de vision et décomposer sa cible
Ruffian Fer Rouge Groupe, Intelligent, Fourbe, Organisé Epée courte (m[2d6] dégâts) 8 PV 1 armure Contact, Proche Instinct: Profiter des faibles
- Intimider, menacer
- S'allier avec le plus riche
Vine Mephit Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious Claws (d6 damage) 10 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Wings This small humanoid creature formed of entangled vines and leaves with thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile Instinct: To trick and trap
- Cause vines to grow ensnaring its victum
- Claws entangled creatures
- Drags/Suspends entangled creatures
- Blends into their enviroment
Magma Mephit Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious Breathe, Claws (d6 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Wings This small humanoid creature formed of magma has thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile. Instinct: To trick and trap
- Breathe out a cone of flame igniting those around it
- Explodes into a burst of lava
- Blends into their enviroment
Smoke Mephit Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious Claws (d6 damage) 10 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Wings This small humanoid creature formed of smoke has thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile. Devious, reduce its damage die size by one, write a move about why it’s dangerous? Instinct: To trick and trap
- Breathe out a cloud of poisonous smoke
- Burst into smoke cloud and reform in another nearby location
- Blends into their enviroment
Ice Mephit Group, Small, Stealthy Breath (ignores armour), Claws (1 piercing), d8 damage 10 HP 0 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Wings This small humanoid creature formed of ice has thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a wicked smile. Instinct: To trick and trap
- Breath out a jet of icy shards
- Burst into cloud of snow flakes and reform in another nearby location
- Blends into their enviroment
Dust Mephit Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious Claws (d6 damage) 10 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Wings This small humanoid creature formed of dust has thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile. Instinct: To trick and trap
- Breathe out a cloud of blinding dust
- Burst into dust cloud and reform in another nearby location
- Clawing foes from ambush
- Blends into their enviroment
Selachii Void Cultists Horde, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Razor Teeth (d6 damage 1 piercing) 3 HP 2 armor Close Special Qualities: Sharkskin, Gaze of the Void The Selachii never existed. This much is true. They never ruled a profane empire ruling over all, nor did they try to eat the world. They were never defeated, nor did they swear themselves to the Hungering Void in a moment of desperation, and become unmade as a result. Nor do they lurk upon the threshold waiting to return. Instinct: To eat and serve
- Swim through surfaces with uncanny ease
- Unleash void rituals
- Usher forth more peons from the void
- Drag the unfortunate screaming into the void