Blood Demon Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Divine, Magical, Planar, Amorphous
physical attack (d12+4 damage 1 piercing) 25 HP 1 armor
Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near, Far
Special Qualities: Immune to Poison, Pure/Holy Water Weaknes

The Blood Demon is a malevolent and cunning entity from the Abyss, thriving on the blood of the living. Its true form is an amorphous mass of dark, pulsating flesh and viscous blood, but it rarely reveals this hideous shape. Instead, the Blood Demon shapeshifts into forms that appeal to its prey—beautiful, trustworthy, or powerful—whatever is needed to manipulate and deceive. Instinct: To corrupt and control through blood.

  • To spread its influence through blood and manipulate others to do its bidding, ultimately causing chaos and suffering.
  • Persuasive Charm: As a master manipulator, the Blood Demon can use its words to sow doubt, instill fear, or inspire misguided loyalty in those who listen to it. When it speaks, its words are laced with subtle magic, making them difficult to resist.
  • Bloodbending: The Blood Demon can manipulate blood within a living creature's body, causing intense pain, controlling their movements, or even forcing them to act against their will.
  • Blood Pact: Anyone who offers their blood to the Blood Demon falls under its control. This control is subtle and insidious, allowing the demon to influence the victim's thoughts, decisions, and even memories over time.
  • Shapeshifting: The Blood Demon can change its form at will, adopting the appearance of any creature it has tasted the blood of. It uses this ability to trick and deceive, often appearing as a trusted friend or a figure of authority.
  • Regeneration: The Blood Demon heals rapidly by absorbing blood, regenerating 1d4 HP each time it draws blood from a living creature.
  • Demon's Guile: The Blood Demon is nearly impossible to deceive or outwit, having eons of experience in trickery. Attempts to lie or manipulate the demon are doomed to fail unless backed by overwhelming evidence or magic.
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Ezor