Alpha Shrieker Solitary, Large, Hoarder jump and pound, (b[2d8+2] damage 2 piercing) 16 HP 1 armor Forceful, Ignores Armor A massive two headed shrieker. Throws boulders and charges. Will protect young at all cost. Takes all opportunities to assert dominance. Second head grows once it asserts its reign. Its not uncommon for other limbs to grow. Instinct: Protect its pack
- Clobber
- throw stone
- Deafening roar (player goes deff)
Shrieker Horde, Organized, call others claws, clubs, rocks (d6+2 damage) 4 HP 0 armor Close, Forceful A large baboon (roughly the size of a large person). When you come across a lone Shrieker don't look it in the eyes, back away slowly...unless it lets out a scream in which case...screw it ,ditch your pack and run because no shrieker ever travels out of ear shot of its pack. A pack of shriekers (called a chorus) surround their prey and beat them relentlessly with large stones and clubs until the victim is no more than an easily digestible mush. Beware of the alpha male and female. They don't pay much attention unless theres a big commotion. Luckly shriekers are easily distracted by food and are prone to in-fighting to establish dominance. Definitely don't mess with shrieker babies. Instinct: teritorial
- claw
- shriek//roar
- intimidating scream (character becomes scared)
Frost Dragon Solitary, Huge, Magical, Hoarder Ice Breath (b[2d12+3] damage 3 piercing) 20 HP 4 armor Reach, Far Special Qualities: Dragon Historian Classic Frost Dragon. Keep your distance. Its Icy talons will freeze and shatter your flesh. Frost dragons live in mountainous regions of dungeon world and carve deep caverns in glaciers. Snow falls when it beats its wings. Instinct: Hermit
- Ice Storm
- Icicle Claw
Cave Troll Solitary, Large, Hoarder, Terrifying claw (d10+2 damage) 16 HP 2 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Big, ugly, smelly. pale skin, turns to stone when sun touches its skin. Instinct: teritorial
- punch
Thorny Devil Group, Small, Magical, Stealthy, Hoarder, Planar Claw (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 3 armor Close Lil rascal, up to no good. Thorny Devils often gladly put themselves in harms way to do no more than hex or inconvenience a filthy mortal. When their death seems imminent, Thorny Devils burst into whips of sulfurous smoke and are sent back to whence they came. Instinct: Cause trouble
- Vicious claw
- Dirty lies
- Hex
Sucubus/Sucubi Solitary, Stealthy, Devious back stab (d6+2 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Far Special Qualities: Can turn alies against eachother All your carnal desires come true (you pervert)...but at a cost. Instinct: seduce or enslave
Mushroom 'Spore-mage' Solitary, Intelligent, Amorphous magic missiles (2d4+2 damage) 10 HP 1 armor poison spore (1d4 damaga ongoing to all in vacinity), Far Special Qualities: project visions/hallucinations (confused or sick -1 ongoing)- Leaders among the Mushroom folk. Spore-mages are ancient by fungal standards and thus the furthest along in decomposition. They guard ancient secrets dating back to before beings became self aware. They farm the root systems that grow to become the colonies young. Instinct: Guide colony, protect secrets
- cast spells and poison spore
- protect young
- communicate with local ecosystem
- detect alignment
Mushroom champion Solitary, Large (8-10 ft), Amorphous Rotting clobber (1d8 damage) 10 HP 2 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Poison on contact (1d4 damage ongoing) This decaying mass of fungal flesh is a longstanding warrior of the mushroom folk. Old enough to know only mycelial language, the brute has no means of communicating with anyone of a different race. Poison spores rot off its every cell, making close combat a deadly task as any contact is dangerously intoxicating. The roots of these brutes can hold fast against hurricane level winds, allowing any of these ancient champignals to simply entwine itself to a spot and defend until kingdom come. Only a select few mushroom folk have the composition to hold together this well and the few per colony that do are held in high enough esteem to be legends in their own time. Instinct: Protect colony
- grow roots (immovable)
Mushroom Folk Group, Small, Magical, Amorphous Spear (1d4 damage) 5 HP 1 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Projects visions (confused or sick -1 ongoing) Mushroom folk have been found thriving in the moist and humid areas of Dungeon World for as long as anyone can remember. Though historians often enjoy their company, as they have much more knowledge of earlier years, it can be hard to win their favor as civilization encroaches on their living environments. Rather than fingers, they have opposable mycelial roots. When in their villages, they can interweave these with their fungal structures as a means of communication amongst each other. This process, called solidelipathy, also allows them to share any collected nutrition. This nutrition comes from often comes rot and decay. It has become an important part of their way of thinking and a loose hierarchy forms in the mushroom communities based on which individuals have moved further along in their own natural decaying processes. Often, this simply matches their age, though a mushroom who has undergone a particularly harrowing life will rise in ranks faster than an elder. The mushroom folk are intimately acquainted with many forms of poison and are known to use them to create powerfully hallucinogenic toxins. These toxins are for the most part used to confuse and terrify enemies in battle but the mushroom folk can modify them in a way that will grant allies visions of the near future. Instinct: Protect their teritory (forest/caverns)
- Spore burst (Blood weed poison, 1d4 ongoing damage))
- Solidelipathy (Call for help)