Most Recent Creation
Alpha Shrieker Solitary, Large, Hoarder jump and pound, (b[2d8+2] damage 2 piercing) 16 HP 1 armor Forceful, Ignores Armor A massive two headed shrieker. Throws boulders and charges. Will protect young at all cost. Takes all opportunities to assert dominance. Second head grows once it asserts its reign. Its not uncommon for other limbs to grow. Instinct: Protect its pack
- Clobber
- throw stone
- Deafening roar (player goes deff)
Most Recent Up-vote
Orc Shaman Solitary, Intelligent, Organized Elemental blast (d10 damage ignores armor) 12 HP 0 Armor Close, Reach, Near, Far Special Qualities: Elemental power The orcs are as old a race as any. They cast bones in the dirt and called to the gods in the trees and stone as the elves built their first cities. They have waged wars, conquered kingdoms, and fallen into corruption in the aeons it took for men to crawl from their caves and dwarves to first see the light of the sun. Fitting, then, that the old ways still hold. They summon the powers of the world to work, to fight and to protect their people, as they have since the first nights. Instinct: To strengthen orc-kind
- Give protection of earth
- Give power of fire
- Give swiftness of water
- Give clarity of air