Shrieker | Horde, Organized, call others | |
claws, clubs, rocks (d6+2 damage) | 4 HP | 0 armor |
Close, Forceful | ||
A large baboon (roughly the size of a large person). When you come across a lone Shrieker don't look it in the eyes, back away slowly...unless it lets out a scream in which case...screw it ,ditch your pack and run because no shrieker ever travels out of ear shot of its pack. A pack of shriekers (called a chorus) surround their prey and beat them relentlessly with large stones and clubs until the victim is no more than an easily digestible mush. Beware of the alpha male and female. They don't pay much attention unless theres a big commotion. Luckly shriekers are easily distracted by food and are prone to in-fighting to establish dominance. Definitely don't mess with shrieker babies. Instinct: teritorial
Created by: flycatcher
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