Formian Taskmaster Solitary, Devious, Organized, Intelligent Stinging tail (d6 damage 2 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor Close The Formian Taskmaster is the size of a Soldier, but its purpose isn’t combat. The Taskmaster exists to organize and telepathically command the Formian Soldiers and Drones around it. Additionally, a Formian Taskmaster is never without a Dominated creature that it can send into battle to protect it. If an enemy ever did reach the Taskmaster though, it would be wise to avoid the creature’s venemous sting, which rapidly saps the victim’s strength, rendering the Formian’s opponent vulnerable and compliant. Instinct: Enact the Queen’s will
- Mentally dominate a creature using psychic power
- Sting with a strength-sapping poison
- Telepathically call other Formians to its aid
Formian Soldier Group, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious Chitin Spear (b[2d8] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 2 armor Close, Reach The Formian Soldier is significantly more dangerous than a Drone. Formians born into the Soldier caste do no manual labor, for they are bred for battle. Though they always work as a unit, a singularly effective Soldier may be afforded the highest of honors, to breed with the Queen in order to propagate their superior genetics into the next generation of the Hive. As all Formians, a Formian Soldier is in constant telepathic communication with all other Formians within 1 mile. Instinct: DEFEND THE HIVE. OBEY THE QUEEN.
- Attack in formation
- Telepathically call other Formians
Formian Drone Horde, Small, Organized, Intelligent Insectoid Mandibles (d4 damage 2 piercing) 3 HP 0 armor Close The lowest rung of a Formian Hive, Drones represent about 75% of a hive’s population. Far from mindless, they are unquestioningly obedient to all Formians of higher status than them. Drones are born with neither the instinct nor the organs with which to reproduce, living only to carry out the purpose for which they were bred. As all Formians, Drones are in constant telepathic communication with all other Formians within one mile, allowing a Swarm of Drones to seemingly effortlessly move over and around one another without ever getting on one another’s way, carrying out attacks with deadly precision. Instinct: OBEY THE QUEEN. DEFEND THE HIVE.
- Move in perfect synchronicity with other Formians
- Telepathically summon Formians to its aid
The Shield Toad Solitary, Large, Cautious Sticky tongue and crushing jaws (d12+4 damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 4 armor Forceful, Reach An ancient, monstrous amalgamation of toad and snapping turtle, it will stop at nothing to defend its territory (and the treasures to be found on unwary travelers whose lifeless bodies have long since sunk into the mire). Instinct: To ruthlessly defend its home turf
- Crush foes in its monstrous jaws
Nac Mac Feegle Horde, Tiny Tiny Fists (d6 damage 2 piercing) 5 HP 0 armor Hand, Forceful The Nac Mac Feegle, or Wee Free Men, are tiny men (about the size of a rat or a small rabbit) with blue skin and a bright red shock of hair. They wear kilts of plaid-colored wool and wee boots made of sheepskin leather. Scrappy little devils, a single one is able to lift a human adult over his head and toss them like a caber. Unfortunately, they are rarely found alone. Nac Mac Feegles live in colonies, not too dissimilar from bees or ants, with a single female ruling the males. They are crude in their language and their behavior, eager to insult or goad creatures much larger than them into picking a fight. Instinct: To cause mischief and start brawls
- Be wildly, disproportionately strong
- Goad someone into attacking them
- Swarm like insects
- Drink like a fish