Formian Drone Horde, Small, Organized, Intelligent
Insectoid Mandibles (d4 damage 2 piercing) 3 HP 0 armor

The lowest rung of a Formian Hive, Drones represent about 75% of a hive’s population. Far from mindless, they are unquestioningly obedient to all Formians of higher status than them. Drones are born with neither the instinct nor the organs with which to reproduce, living only to carry out the purpose for which they were bred. As all Formians, Drones are in constant telepathic communication with all other Formians within one mile, allowing a Swarm of Drones to seemingly effortlessly move over and around one another without ever getting on one another’s way, carrying out attacks with deadly precision. Instinct: OBEY THE QUEEN. DEFEND THE HIVE.

  • Move in perfect synchronicity with other Formians
  • Telepathically summon Formians to its aid

Created by: UserClone