Nac Mac Feegle Horde, Tiny
Tiny Fists (d6 damage 2 piercing) 5 HP 0 armor
Hand, Forceful

The Nac Mac Feegle, or Wee Free Men, are tiny men (about the size of a rat or a small rabbit) with blue skin and a bright red shock of hair. They wear kilts of plaid-colored wool and wee boots made of sheepskin leather. Scrappy little devils, a single one is able to lift a human adult over his head and toss them like a caber. Unfortunately, they are rarely found alone. Nac Mac Feegles live in colonies, not too dissimilar from bees or ants, with a single female ruling the males. They are crude in their language and their behavior, eager to insult or goad creatures much larger than them into picking a fight. Instinct: To cause mischief and start brawls

  • Be wildly, disproportionately strong
  • Goad someone into attacking them
  • Swarm like insects
  • Drink like a fish
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: UserClone