Most Recent Creation
Dinin the Caster Solitary, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Planar, Amorphous Calming Song (w[2d8] damage) 15 HP 5 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Dinin the Caster was a master mage of Menzoberranzan. He was renowned for his ability to defeat foes by making them into friends, further expanding his networks and power. His soul has been trapped in the Triumph of Death painting by Vondir the Creator. Instinct: Confine creatures to Purity Cave
- Entrance a foe
- Project a simulacrum of one of Purity's Masterpieces
- A foe is entranced into calmness
- Know precisely how to tempt a foe
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Gem Snail Solitary, Huge, Magical, Hoarder, Amorphous Arcane Bolt (d10+3 damage) 27 HP 5 armor Reach, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Corrosive Body Gem Snails are the size of elephants and sustain themselves entirely on the arcane energy found inside gemstones. After consuming a gemstone they use it's materials to add to their shell. They have the intelligence of animals, but still manage to shoot forth rudenmentary spells using their stored up arcane energy. Instinct: To Consume
- Absorb Arcane Gemstone
- Spew Arcane Chaos