Kobold Horde, Small, Stealthy, Intelligent, Organized Spear (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Dragon connection Some are wont to lump these little, rat-like dragon-men in with goblins and orcs, bugbears and hobgoblins. They are smarter and wiser than their kin, however. The kobolds are beholden slaves to dragons and were, in ancient times, their lorekeepers and sorcerer-servants. Their clans, with names like Ironscale and Whitewing, form around a dragon master and live to serve and do its bidding. Spotting a kobold means more are near—and if more are near then a mighty dragon cannot be far, either. Instinct: To serve dragons
- Lay a trap
- Call on dragons or draconic allies
- Retreat and regroup
Poison Shell Crab Group, Large, Poisonous Poison Sting & Claws (d8 damage 1 piercing) 14 HP 2 armor Close Special Qualities: Hard shell The Anemone climbed the Crab's Shell, they joined together. The crab provides food, the sea anemone provides protection. Together, they protect themselves and the sea. Instinct: To Protect the Sea Kingdom
- Crush Bones
- Gush Water
- Sting Paralyzing Poison
Gem Snail Solitary, Huge, Magical, Hoarder, Amorphous Arcane Bolt (d10+3 damage) 27 HP 5 armor Reach, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Corrosive Body Gem Snails are the size of elephants and sustain themselves entirely on the arcane energy found inside gemstones. After consuming a gemstone they use it's materials to add to their shell. They have the intelligence of animals, but still manage to shoot forth rudenmentary spells using their stored up arcane energy. Instinct: To Consume
- Absorb Arcane Gemstone
- Spew Arcane Chaos
Coral Snail Group, Tiny (d8-2 damage) 10 HP 3 armor Hand The coral snail is one of the creatures that just doesn't seem right. It looks like a leech about the size of a human fist, with a hard coral shell. They're almost amphibious, but they can't be out of the water for more than a day. Their normal diet is composed of eating hard coral and adding the remains to their shell, but they aren't opposed to eating more fleshy creatures. Instinct: to drain
- Bite
- (only if after succesful Bite) Drain
Coral Snail Group, Tiny Mouth (d6-2 damage) 7 HP 2 armor Hand The coral snail is one of the creatures that just doesn't seem right. It looks like a leech about the size of a human fist, with a hard coral shell. They're almost amphibious, but they can't be out of the water for more than a day. Their normal diet is composed of eating hard coral and adding the remains to their shell, but they aren't opposed to eating more fleshy creatures. Instinct: to drain
- Bite
- Drain (only after succesful bite)
Bog Giant Group, Huge, Hoarder Various makeshift weapons, hands, feet and teeth (d8+3 damage) 14 HP 1 armor Reach, Near " As big as a tree, and dumb as an ox...but don't let that fool you. They can hold their breath for a long time, and are more then willing to sit under the brackish water, in the muck and slime, just waiting for a tasty treat to wander by. And they are strong as Hell! I've seen one snap a gators neck like a twig...imagine what it would do to you! And even if you manage to get away from one, there's always a few more nearby...waiting to cave your head in with a club, or drown you like an ant." Pither Moore-Swamp Ranger Instinct: Hide under water, hunt and gather, protect territory
- bash with club, squash in hands, drown the puny human
Bog Giant Group, Huge, Hoarder Various makeshift weapons, hands, feet and teeth (d8+3 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Reach, Near " As big as a tree, and dumb as an ox...but don't let that fool you. They can hold their breath for a long time, and are more then willing to sit under the brackish water, in the muck and slime, just waiting for a tasty treat to wander by. And they are strong as Hell! I've seen one snap a gators neck like a twig...imagine what it would do to you! And even if you manage to get away from one, there's always a few more nearby...waiting to cave your head in with a club, or drown you like an ant." Pither Moore-Swamp Ranger Instinct: Hide under water, hunt and gather, protect territory
- bash with club, squash in hands, drown the puny human