Most Recent Creation
Chess Horse Demon Solitary, Small, Stealthy, Amorphous Bite (d8 damage 2 piercing) 10 HP 2 armor Close Black Chess horse the size of a haffling. Looks like a statue but bites when someone is near. When attacked it turns invisible and reappears to attack another person. When killed leaves behind a horse head mask which can be activated to become the horse head mask of invisibility (when used naked). Otherwise it is just a disturbing mask Instinct: To guard
- Stand still
- Turn invisble and move
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Zombie Horde, Terrifying Bite (d6 damage) 11 HP 0 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: It decaying body and face Zombie creation of the capital, experiments eventually led them to this, however it is unknown how they were created. They are a secret of the capital, and they are killing machines, they wants to kill everyone and eat their brains (as if that would make them smarter...). Instinct: To Eat Brains
- It Grabs its opponents