Animated Armour Group, Devious, Cautious, Construct Sword and shield (b[2d6+2] damage 1 piercing) 14 HP 6 armor Close Special Qualities: Living armour, no flesh body inside it. Suit of armour, animated. No body inside Instinct: to guard its master
- looks like a suit of armour, actually animated to fight.
- No flesh, just armour
Owlbear Solitary, Large, Terrifying Teeth (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 1 armor Forceful Special Qualities: It has the calming face of an owl on a monstrous bear Made by an accident yet it still craves to live, this THING survives purely by bloodlust. In the shadows, people may believe it is just an owl, but once they turn around, they are tackled by the pure fury of the owlbear. The only viable strategy to attack it alone is to not attack it alone. just RUN. Instinct: to eat
- Devour
Leggs Solitary, Stealthy, Devious Neck Strangle (d6 damage+Virgnity Mod) 3 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Long Legs Long Legs attached to a well rounded bottom, capable of taking down our pants in seconds. Instinct: To entrap Men and Small Boys
- Has really long seductive legs
- Tricks you into touching its Legs
- It can make the best of us, into leaving our wives.
- Its upper half is invisible; but we get the idea.
Teenage Necromancer Solitary, Magical, Intelligent Angry scream (d10 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Teenage girl lured to the dark arts by her anger towards her parents who 'just don't understand!!' Loves awful music and pretty much hates the world. Instinct: To rebel
- Raise the dead
- Change apperance
Tiny Fire Imps Group, Tiny, Stealthy, Intelligent, Planar Bite (d6-2 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Hand Tiny yellow demons about 1 foot tall with the ability to produce a small flame from the end of a finger. Instinct: To distract
- Tease
- Set fire to stuff
- When killed, it crumbles to ashes
Book golem Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Construct, Amorphous Fists of books (d6 damage) 19 HP Close Special Qualities: Burns Golem animated from books. Everytime it is attacked, the attacker forgets the method used to attack it. (How to use a sword, how to use an axe, a certain spell etc.) When the Book Golem does damage the target losses 1/2/3/4/... intelligence ponits. (1 the first time, 2 the second and so on) All effects disapear when it is defeated. The Book Golem Spawns whem someone whitout "A valid librabry card" removes a book from the shelf. To make it harder, have the Golem heal HP when it dissapears into the book shelf. Instinct: To protect
- Make you forget how to attack.
- Lowers your intelligence when attacking you
- Moves freely and invisible through connected line of books.
- Extremely vulnerable to fire.
Chess Horse Demon Solitary, Small, Stealthy, Amorphous Bite (d8 damage 2 piercing) 10 HP 2 armor Close Black Chess horse the size of a haffling. Looks like a statue but bites when someone is near. When attacked it turns invisible and reappears to attack another person. When killed leaves behind a horse head mask which can be activated to become the horse head mask of invisibility (when used naked). Otherwise it is just a disturbing mask Instinct: To guard
- Stand still
- Turn invisble and move
Clockwork Defender Group, Large, Organized, Construct Crushing blows from metal limbs (d8+2 damage) 12 HP 3 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Metal, Clockwork, Well-hidden weak spot "The Old Ones, they knew much. Not the alchemy of man nor the sorcery of warlocks and the like. No, this is the magic of gears and pulleys, the sorcery of science. Watch your every step in the tower: be wary or you may call to life the ancient defense systems. You'll know the Defenders have awoken long before you face them, that's for sure; they're louder than a stomping giant and their hulls scrape the stone walls. You'll hear them coming, I'm sure you can avoid them, go on in the tower. Me? I... I'll stay out here. Got to have a lookout post, right?"
Instinct: Destroy all Intruders! *click* Defend the domain!
- Display immense and uncaring strength
- Soldier on, ignoring all damage until the last
- Reveal a hidden function from the depths of its gearworks
Three Headed Hell Hound Solitary, Planar Bite from each head. (d6+1)x3 12 HP 1 armor Close Three heads. Chained. Spitting fire which burns normal arrows from middle head. Instinct: To defend, to act like a normal dog
- Each head deals seperate 1d6+1 damage
- When it dies, the body bursts into flames, damaging all nearby (avoid danger)
- Heads can be chopped off