Sluagh Horde, Small, Planar, Terrifying, Amorphous Vicious Fangs (d6+2 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Hand Special Qualities: Insubstantial One of the smaller varieties of Unseelie fairies, Sluagh travel in large groups to give them a better chance of felling prey with their massive fangs. Beyond the teeth, they lack any discernible anatomy, appearing as a mass of black rags billowing in the cold wind that follows them everywhere. Instinct: To devour mortal flesh
- Swarm them
- Summon chilling winds
Kelpie Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Planar Hooves (d8 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Changing shape, noticeable tell A woman with cloven hooves is a dead giveaway for one of these Unseelie fairies. The Kelpie takes joy in nothing other than drowning the life out of human beings. Who knows what they do with you after that. Instinct: To drown
- Drown someone
- Take on a human form
- Drag something back to the Fairy realm
Spire Group, Large, Devious, Amorphous Rock-like forelegs (d6+2 damage) 13 HP 4 armor Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Made of stone Massive, Mantis-like creatures made of stone, capable of using their spiny bodies to open nihilities. Instinct: Unleash the forces of Hell
- Crush
- Open a portal to Hell
High Inquisitor Solitary, Organized, Intelligent Inquisitional Sabre (d10 damage) 12 HP 1 armor Close An Inquisitional Company is the standard unit for field operations in the Inquisition, consisting of 20-40 Inquisitors, 10-30 Masks (new recruits), 15-30 Magi, 5-10 Executors, and 5-10 Exorcists, all led by a High Inquisitor. Instinct: To eliminate demonic threats
- Lead the Company
- Order an assault
Magus Group, Magical, Organized, Intelligent Magical Projectiles (d8 damage) 6 HP 4 armor Close Typically, Inquisitors aren't trained to use magic in the field. That job is left to the Magi, who work with Inquisitors to provide wards, protective spells, and scrying magic. Instinct: To aid an Inquisitor
- Lay down protective magic
- Scry for signs of demonic activity
- Provide wards for their allies
Exorcist Solitary, Magical, Intelligent Magical Projectiles (d10 damage) 12 HP 6 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Near The Exorcist is an elite unit in an Inquisitional company, trained for countering magical effects brought about by demons or their mortal operatives. Exorcists are sometimes called "Spooks" by other Inquisitors: their extensive training strips them of all personality and voice, leaving little more than a tool. Instinct: To eliminate demonic magic
- Close a nihility
- Stop a magical effect
Executor Solitary, Intelligent Inquisitional Sabre (b[2d10] damage) 12 HP 2 armor Close An elite unit that often moves with Inqusitional companies, though they rarely operate in the field unless absolutely necessary. The Executor has the authority to kill those they believe are involved in demonic activity. Instinct: To eliminate perceived threats
- Deal final justice
Inquisitor Group, Organized, Intelligent Inquisitional Sabre (b[2d8] damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close The Inquisitors make up the bulk of the Inquisition's ranks, operating in small groups to identify and destroy demonic phenomena. Instinct: To hunt down demons
- Follow clues of demonic presence
- Use Inquisitional knowledge to gain an advantage
Mountain Elves Horde, Organized, Intelligent Improvised weaponry (d6 damage) 7 HP 1 armor Close The Elves of the Nlega mountains are a strong and hardy folk- they have endured much, and will continue to endure long after the rest of us are gone. Instinct: To defend
- Reflect the strength of the mountains
- Unite against a strong foe
Vel Jasel Solitary, Magical, Devious, Intelligent Necromancer's Staff (d8 damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Near, Far The vile Tengu necromancer Vel Jasel is responsible for the tragic fate of Demon's Guard - all in a day's work for Seven-of-Eight of the Circle of Hands. Instinct: To seek necromantic power
- Command the Dead
- Unleash a dangerous spell
- Gain vile knowledge