Rainbow Demon Solitary, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Hellish Blade (d12 damage) 16 HP 4 armor Close Special Qualities: Skeletal "The perfect personification of the cancer that eats away at your world. Most Demons want something; they want to rule, they want to be worshipped, they want to be feared. Not this one. It wants nothing. It wants there to be... nothing." Instinct: To shred reality
- Pursue a goal relentlessly
- Bring about disaster
- Direct the wrath of Hell
- Act with perfect foresight
The Wild Hunt Horde, Magical, Divine, Organized, Planar, Terrifying Spear (b[2d6+2] damage) 5 HP 4 armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Spectral Many believe the Wild Hunt to be a portent of death and destruction, that seeing these ghostly riders and hearing the barking of their hunting dogs is a sure sign of doom to come. In reality, the Wild Hunt do not cause the disasters; they are Nahide's answer to them. Instinct: To serve Nahide
- Appear where most needed
- Charge as one
- Appear and disappear at will
Jurzbog Giant-King Solitary, Huge, Magical, Cautious The title of Giant-King is, perhaps, misleading; no Jotunn is bound by any law to obey. The real power behind the mantle of Giant-King is a connection with the Jotunnvael itself, the magical valley in which the Jotnar live. Druid-like and pensive, Jurzbog is always sure to deeply consider all options before taking any action. Instinct: To ponder
- Consider an idea deeply before taking action
- Beseech the Valley for aid
Drogo the Bloody Solitary, Organized There is a belief common on the Orcish Isles, that the Orcs were once giants like the Jotnar. Drogo the Bloody believes that Orcs could be giants again. With a reputation for hot-headed action over drawn-out debate, Drogo is always quick to blame the Jotnar for the woes of his people. Instinct: To defend honour recklessly
- Act impulsively
- Rally a group around a cause
Celia Brawn Solitary, Organized, Intelligent Broadsword (b[2d10] damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close Every soldier in the Holy Army of Eolar is expected to lay down their life for the King - Cleric-General Celia Brawn would lay down her life for her soldiers. Instinct: To serve her King
- Command the Holy Army
- Strike at a weak point
Johannes Embry, Five-of-Eight Solitary, Magical, Intelligent Magical force (d10 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Ignores Armor Johannes Embry, Arch-Curator of the Mirian Archeological Society, is leading an expedition into the ruins of the ancient Elven Kingdoms. However, this expedition is a front, as is Johannes himself; his true identity is Five-of-Eight of the Circle of Hands, and he believes that the old Elves possessed powerful artifacts that the Circle could exploit for terrible gain. Instinct: To gain magical power
- Seek a source of power
- Exploit an ancient spell or item
The Crimson King Solitary, Magical, Intelligent Special Qualities: Ancient Mind, Immortal The Crimson King has ruled the Elven kingdom of Eolar for longer than the history books can remember. Seemingly immortal, whether by the will of the Gods or his own arcane superiority, the Crimson King may very well be the oldest living thing. Instinct: To preserve Elven history
- Recall ancient history, long-forgotten by the world
- See glimpses of fate
Oren Balthazar Solitary, Magical, Intelligent Arcane fire (d10 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Ignores Armor Oren Balthazar, highest in the Arcanex, would do anything to protect the kingdom of Eolar... Instinct: To protect Eolar
- Commit atrocities for the greater good
- Exploit forbidden magic
Edmur Leighley Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder No amount of reprimanding, berating, or punishing by the Arcanex will stop Edmur Leighley from pursuing knowledge in all its forms. In his eyes, seeking knowledge recklessly and without pause is the greatest form of worship possible to the Gods of magic and learning. Instinct: To uncover magical mysteries
- Possess just the right item for the situation
- Cast a hasty spell
Eight-of-Eight Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder, Construct Magical force (d10+3 damage) 16 HP 5 Armor Ignores Armor, Near, Far “At the end, they give you a scroll and a jeweled medallion to commemorate your achievements. Grand Master of Theurgy, I was called, then. Old man. Weak and wizened and just a bit too senile for them—those jealous halfwits. Barely apprentices, and they called themselves The New Council. It makes me sick, or would, if I still could be. They told me it was an honor and I would be remembered forever. It was like listening to my own eulogy. Fitting, in a way, don’t you think? It took me another ten years to learn the rituals and another four to collect the material and you see before you the fruits of my labor. I endure. I live. I will see the death of this age and the dawn of the next. It pains me to have to do this, but, you see, you cannot be permitted to endanger my research. When you meet Death, say hello for me, would you? Instinct: To un-live
- Cast a perfected spell of death and destruction
- Set a ritual or great working into motion
- Reveal a preparation or plan already completed