Eight-of-Eight Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder, Construct
Magical force (d10+3 damage) 16 HP 5 Armor
Ignores Armor, Near, Far

“At the end, they give you a scroll and a jeweled medallion to commemorate your achievements. Grand Master of Theurgy, I was called, then. Old man. Weak and wizened and just a bit too senile for them—those jealous halfwits. Barely apprentices, and they called themselves The New Council. It makes me sick, or would, if I still could be. They told me it was an honor and I would be remembered forever. It was like listening to my own eulogy. Fitting, in a way, don’t you think? It took me another ten years to learn the rituals and another four to collect the material and you see before you the fruits of my labor. I endure. I live. I will see the death of this age and the dawn of the next. It pains me to have to do this, but, you see, you cannot be permitted to endanger my research. When you meet Death, say hello for me, would you? Instinct: To un-live

  • Cast a perfected spell of death and destruction
  • Set a ritual or great working into motion
  • Reveal a preparation or plan already completed
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Juliet M

All rights reserved