Fenthwick Fizzlebang Solitary, Small, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder Thunderstick (d8 damage 3 piercing) 8 HP 7 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Instinct: to push the bounds of magic.
- Create a magical device
- Use his Invisibility Sprocket
- Enhance speed with Eldritch Rockets
- Use an explosive magical trap
Sasha 'Bonney' Fuula Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Longbow (d8 damage 2 piercing) 8 HP 3 armor Close, Near, Far Instinct: to live life on her terms.
- Beat viciously with hands and feet
- Backstab attack
- Shortsword slash
Peter 'Rusty Pete' Hoolsworth Solitary, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder Cutlass (d10 damage 2 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor Close, Reach Instinct: to follow the direction of Captain Slag meticulously.
- Follow the orders of Captain Slag
- Throw bombs
Captain Romulus Slag Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Golden Scimitar (b[2d8+2] damage 3 piercing) 16 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Instinct: to keep his men alive.
- Bark orders
- Throw blinding powder
- Set up traps
Apothiko Vitula Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent Eldritch Missile (d10 damage) 16 HP 4 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Vulture Transformation, Panther Transformation Tall and slender with haughty eyebrows over brown eyes. He has a twisted and very well oiled beard. He wears flowing blue and gold robes with a golden turban. Very cunning and suave, Apothiko is a cruel, evil and dark man that enjoys the pain and suffering of others. He is vain and cynical. He can be selfish and vindictive but his loyalties are to the Queen, and in turn to Captain-Senator Balbus. Instinct: to follow the command of Captain-Senator Balbus.
- Cast a Transmogrification spell
- Cloud a mind and sap energy
- Manipulate Elements
- Summon a Pit Fiend
Junio 'June' Valerio Solitary, Intelligent, Cautious Longsword (b[2d10] damage 2 piercing) 8 HP 5 armor Close Junio is slender and muscular with a prominent mustache. He has thinning brown hair with grey streaks on the sides. He is fair skinned and heavily scarred from years of combat. He has thick eyebrows and a hairy body. Junio is quite chivalrous and very suave for a man of his age. He is very distinguished and a gentleman through and through. Beneath his chivalrous and distinguished veneer lies a very greedy, selfish, arrogant man. If he suspects that you can’t benefit him he will be cold, haughty, toward you and sometimes even ruthless and cruel. Instinct: to climb the career ladder.
- Enact a cruel punishment upon his subordinates
Jesha 'BeeBee' Bainbridge Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Rapier (b[2d6] damage 2 piercing) 12 HP 2 armor Close, Reach, Near Special Qualities: Blends in with a crowds, Adept at disguises Jesha is a very slender man with a nice brown beard and a full head of brown hair. He has green eyes and weathered tanned skin and a distinct scar going down his face over his left eye. He has simple cotton clothes and a cutlass on his hip. Jesha is extremely intelligent, perhaps the smartest of the group, this makes him quite clever and able to exploit the weaknesses of others. He’s very charismatic and extremely sarcastic— which can irritate some of the other crew members. He remains calm in tense situations and is always opportunistic. He may have a lot of redeeming qualities, but always remember Jesha is treacherous, he’s manipulative, and he’s traitorous. If pushed he will kill to get what he wants. Instinct: to survive to enjoy life's pleasures.
- Stick a dagger in a back.
- Deliver a dose of poison to a foe.
- Reveal a well set trap.
Lieutenant Vitus Bering Solitary, Intelligent Warhammer (b[2d8+2] damage) 16 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Vitus is and extremely strong specimen. He is an imposing physical presence. He is fair skinned and hairy chested. He has long black haired tied into a short black ponytail. He has thick black eyebrows and piercing blue eyes. Vitus is an arrogant, egotistical, boorish brute of a man. He’s a simple-thinking chauvinistic pig. He is prone to pettiness to the point of murder. He frequently loses his temper and when he does he’s not loud he is disconcertingly quiet and brutal. Instinct: to take what he wants when he wants.
- Beat someone to a pulp in a rage.
Captain-Senator Chadwick Balbus Solitary, Organized, Intelligent Ancient Greatsword (b[2d8+3] damage 4 piercing) 12 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Chadwick is moderate and stature and he’s generally very good looking. Chadwick has fair skin with a light dusting of freckles across his nose, he as blonde hair with sideburns and striking green eyes. Chadwick wears an outfit consisting of navy blue trousers with shined black boots and a dull gray cloak with wavy patterns and a black interior. Chadwick is a very manipulative and scheming man. He is filled with ambition and that makes him power-hungry, calculating, ruthless, and cold hearted. He is pragmatic yes, but with that comes an oft unseen vein of abusive wickedness. He is cruel, sadistic and malicious, yet he is overly charismatic. He is a master at hiding his true intentions and coming off as a chivalrous gentleman and not the sociopathic megalomaniac that he is. Instinct: To serve Her Majesty.
- Punish an innocent.
- Call his Leiutenants to armes
Herrena the Henna-Haired Harridan Solitary, Devious, Intelligent Cleaving Sword (b[2d8+2] damage 2 piercing) 16 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful Instinct: to make a living as a female barbarian.
- Engage in masterful mounted combat.
- Over power an oppenent and put them on the ground.