Apothiko Vitula Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent
Eldritch Missile (d10 damage) 16 HP 4 armor
Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near, Far
Special Qualities: Vulture Transformation, Panther Transformation

Tall and slender with haughty eyebrows over brown eyes. He has a twisted and very well oiled beard. He wears flowing blue and gold robes with a golden turban. Very cunning and suave, Apothiko is a cruel, evil and dark man that enjoys the pain and suffering of others. He is vain and cynical. He can be selfish and vindictive but his loyalties are to the Queen, and in turn to Captain-Senator Balbus. Instinct: to follow the command of Captain-Senator Balbus.

  • Cast a Transmogrification spell
  • Cloud a mind and sap energy
  • Manipulate Elements
  • Summon a Pit Fiend

Created by: A Person With No Name