Chain Shugosa Group, Intelligent Chain claw (b[2d8+2] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 3 armor Close, Reach, Near Later Instinct: To guard
- Guards the resting
Meat Monster Solitary, Huge, Divine, Terrifying Meat Appendage (d10+3 damage) 30 HP 1 armor Reach, Near Special Qualities: Disgusting glob of meat Instinct: To gain bulk
- Absorb meat into its matrix
Watch of the Ravinsoka Group, Planar Baleful, Spirit Axe (d8 damage) 10 HP 2 armor Close, Ignores Armor Fallen. All Fallen. The Frost Giants, led by their lidless God, killed everyone. And now, we guard...nothing. Forever. Instinct: Drive out intruders (long after death)
- Haunt the ruins
- Keening wail of the dead
- Immune to normal weaponry
- Undead immunities
- Semi-corporeal Wraiths (1/2 damage from magic ).
Wabberjocky Solitary, Large, Terrifying Bite (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing) 16 HP 1 armor Special Qualities: Eats victims slowly, doesn’t let them die right away The head of a lion with the body of a bear, larger than either. It’s mane is stained black and red with the blood of its last meal which is a stark contrast to it’s white and grey fur. It stands on hind legs to intimidate foes, but uses its mass to crush and pin victims while it feeds. Instinct: To feed
- Pin
- Break
- Crush
Morderuga Solitária, Enorme, Cautelosa Um bote veloz e preciso (b[2d10+5] damage 3 piercing) 24 HP 6 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Near Uma Tartaruga-mordedora gigante que espera o momento certo para dar o bote e se alimentar. Não é nada veloz, mas é estupidamente resistente por conta de sua carapaça. Instinct: Se alimentar
- Esticar o pescoço para uma Mordida Voraz
- Se esconder no casco para se proteger.
Wicka Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Terrifying, Amorphous Claws (d8 damage 1 piercing) 19 HP 5 armor Close, Far Special Qualities: Greenish, ghostly, spirit, Abomination I will do this later Instinct: To harazz Lord Faewyn
- Strike terror
- Show up somewhere else than expected
- Cause the environment to attack
- Summon the dead
- Haunt the forest/region
- Speak from beyond sight
- Misdirected travelers
Kindori Solitary, Huge, Planar enormous flippers (w[2d12+5] damage) 24 HP 0 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Produces its own air An enormous whale-like creature that wanders the sea of stars. Kindori are timeless beings, often serving as homes for many smaller creatures. They can sustain an atmosphere surrounding themselves at all times that can help preserve the ecosystems attached to their bodies. Many a traveler looks upon these creatures and views them as a sign of good luck, and rumor has it that they can even help you get to wherever you are going... Instinct: To wander
- Sing the songs of the multiverse
- Navigate the sea of stars