Slugger Mantis Solitary, Large One spear, one club 20 HP 2 armor The massive dessert inhabiting cousin of the mantis shrimp. Territorial and vicious, the slugger will use its weaponized mandibles to pierce you through, pin you down, and club you to death within seconds. Instinct: to obliterate
- Club Punch (d10+4 damage) Slow, Forceful
- Spear Stab (d10+4 damage) Fast, Piercing
Crystal Crab Solitary, Small, Hoarder Rock Pinser (d10 damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 5 armor Close Special Qualities: Armored, Hoarder This large animate crystal spends its time burrowing through the ground, collecting bits of valuable metals and minerals which it uses to reinforce its crystalline carapace Loot Table (1) 2d8 Coins (2) 4d10 coins (3) 4d10 coins, 1d4 Gems (4) 6d12 coins, 2d4 Gems (5) 4d6x10 coins (6) 6d4 Gems Instinct: To Burrow
- Burrow into the ground
- Harden Defences
Ice Golem Solitary, Huge, Construct, Amorphous A big, icy fisy (d10+3 damage) 31 HP 4 armor Reach Special Qualities: Immune to cold., Appears as just a big block of ice. The Golem is a block of enchanted ice. It sits in the preserved larder of the ruins of Ravinsoka, keeping the ice cream cold and perfect. Break it, the damned thing explodes. But you get the ice cream! Instinct: To put things into cold storage.
- Keep things COLD
Purificerer Group, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious Any melee weapon (b[2d6] damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close Later Instinct: Hunt the cursed
- Perform a desperate attack
- Get support from a 2nd group
Dragonscale Golem Solitary, Magical, Construct, Amorphous Sharp Claws (d10+2 damage 1 piercing) 23 HP 5 armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Morphing Bodyplan, Guardian, Animated Body This slender humanoid guardian Golem was created by the long dead arch mage Innel to defend his tower from intruders. For building the golem he used clay and blue dragon scales. Within his Tower there are three ritual circles powered by magical gemstones in their center, that power the guardian and shield it against any physical form of attacks. Instinct: Defend the upper floors
- Catch someone with extending Arms
Claysoldier Horde, Organized, Cautious, Hoarder, Amorphous Sword or Mace (d6+2 damage) 14/8 HP 5 armor Close If you ever meet an archaeologist who doesn't know the horrors of ancient tombs he is not a real scientist. If he isn't suspiciously looking around while walking between statues he never has been at an excavation site of the old cities of Duhn'nghá. Once you enter the tunnels of the temple of Kagnaha you are in grave danger. First you hear the dust falling. Then the sound of pottery shattering. The cracking of the joints. And then you will hear the stomping of boots made from ceramic. They might not be the Golems of Albion or the Gargoyles of the deep. But they are the ancient defensive systems of old and fallen civilisations. And they are many. Don't try to fight them. Just run... Instinct: to guard
- Defending the path
- If one dies there is always more who are willing to move
Shadow Demon Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Amorphous drain (d10+4 damage) 15 HP 5 armor Close, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: posess unwilling hosts, sensitive to light Shadow demons don't posses a solid body to interact with their surroundings, but are nothing more than a faceless smokey silhouette. However, they can drain the life force of beings around them or posses their unwilling victims to interact with the world, perusing more and more powerful hosts. Instinct: to find powerful hosts
- cause fear
- create an illusion
- shaddow step
Brute shugosa Group, Large, Intelligent 2.5 meter great hammer (b[2d8+4] damage) 14 HP 0 armor Forceful Later Instinct: To guard
- Smashes trespassers