Dragonborn Ganger Horde, Devious, Organized, Intelligent Acidic claws (b[2d4+4] damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Acidic breath Dragonborn empowered by the Black Dragon attempting to conquer Al-Rakkah have greater strength than their ordinary cousins--the elemental power of acid within them has been kicked into overdrive. Their skin harder, their muscles stronger, their claws oozing the same acid as their breath, these dragonborn gangers are dangerous alone, but fearsome as a group, as their attacks are cumulative. Instinct: To cause violence
- Rough up enemies of their master
- Acid that burns more than flesh and steel
- Strength in numbers (+1 damage for each attacker already engaged)
Fungman Horde, Small, Devious, Amorphous Fungal grasp (d4 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Fungal anatomy These small humanoid beasts dwell in subterranean waterways and any other high-humidity environment. About as smart as your average goblin they can be a handful in large numbers. Thankfully so long as they have ample food and water they're usually friendly. When water is scarce they enter a dormant stage, covering themselves in a thick and durable shell. When water (or blood) become available once more they burst from these shells with all the rational and ferocity of a starving dog. Instinct: Absorb nutrients anyway it can
- Wait for moisture before exploding forth
- Release paralyzing spores
- Spread to somewhere unwanted
- Rot away clothes and supplies
Amir of the Wind and Air Horde, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious Windrush Force Spell (2d6+2 damage 3 piercing) 23 HP 2 armor Close, Reach, Far Amir is a pretty Tiefling and former student of the Magis Enclave. A student of Da Yusifo, she believes in the virtues taught to her at Dolonae. She has grown her talent into an impressive grasp of the element of air, and has practiced to improve at its manipulation. Although a bit naive she is a loyal ally, although she is not nearly as graceful as the wind she wields. Instinct: Use Elemental Magic to protect her allies
- The Wind and Air are her playground.
- Calling on the element itself, air is what all of her spells are born from
- Wind Twister: Briefly become wind to escape a foe
- Last Breath: Siphon all the air out of a small space
Fractal Moth Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Planar, Construct, Amorphous Grapple and Wing Wrap (d8 damage) 22 HP 4 armor Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: This Creature adapts its form to whatever the victim hallucinates it to be, It is part of a greater illusion of some master A beautiful psychedelic moth like creature, whose wings pulse fractal colors. Powerful arms allow the creature to grapple victims and then wrap its wings about them causing them to hallucinate and choose for it a new form. This creature becomes the hallucinations it creates, giving it a wild and unpredictable power. Instinct: Drown minds in a horrifying psychedelic trip
- Create horrifying visions
- Uses visions of beauty to entice victims close
- Anything affecting the mind is its purview
- It will become whatever the person hallucinates
- Created from the ether of the universe by powerful illusionists, this creature only exists as an unnatural servant
Waldgoblin Mondtänzer Solitary, Small, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder Sichel / Krallen und Fänge (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor Close Nur die stärksten Krieger der grauen Waldgoblins werden gelehrt, wie sie zum Mondtänzer werden. Sie sind die Elitetruppe der Goblins, aber meist kämpfen sie alleine um die anderen nicht zu gefährden. Bei Vollmond vollführen sie ein Ritual, den Mondtanz, der es ihnen erlaubt Aspekte der Tiere anzunehmen und zu nutzen, deren Pelz sie tragen. Viele tragen den Pelz ihrer größten Beute, doch es gibt auch jene, die einen Flickenteppich aus verschiedenen Fellen tragen um stärker zu werden. Im Kampf lassen sie die animalische Seite die Kontrolle übernehmen und verfallen in einen kampfrausch, der bis hin zur Verwandlung in eines der gebundenen Tiere führen kann. Instinct: Anerkennung des Stammes erkämpfen
- Verwandle dich in ein Tier, dessen Pelz du trägst
- Aspekte des Pelzes annehmen
Waldgoblin Schamane Group, Small, Stealthy, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Geisterfeuer (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Near Die Grauen Goblins der Wälder werden von denen Angeführt, die im Einklang mit den Geistern der Umgebung leben und deren Hilfe anfordern können. Als Schamanen bezeichnet, rufen diese Anführer die Natur selbst zu Rate und versuchen ihren Stamm möglichst gut zu führen. Sollten sie in einen Kampf verwickelt werden, sind sie aber auch nicht zu unterschätzen, mit ihrem Geisterfeuer werden sie selbst gerüsteten Kriegern gefährlich, und wer sie zu lange beobachtet könnte Opfer der hypnotisierenden Bewegungen ihres klimpernden Stabes werden. Instinct: Den Einfluss des Stammes erweitern
- Gib dem Stamm Führung
- Hypnotisierender Stabkampf
- Nutze die Geister der Umgebung
- Versammle den Stamm
Waldgoblin Späher Group, Small, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Sichelspeer (d8 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close, Reach Kleine grauhäutige Goblins, die in den tiefen der Wälder leben. Ihre Späher sind geübt darin einfache Beute zu erkennen und mit ihren hinterhältigen Sichelspeeren an der Flucht zu hindern. Wer sie verfolgt oder jagt, sollte sich gut in der Gegend auskennen und Vorsicht walten lassen, da sie gerne Fallen für eine mögliche Flucht vorbereiten. Instinct: Einfache Beute finden
- Beobachte aus dem Unterholz
- Locke Verfolger in Fallen
- Rufe wie ein Waldkauz um den Stamm zu alamieren
Butterfly Wasp Solitary, Large Stinger, Fog Spray (d10+4 damage 2 piercing) 28 HP 2 armor Forceful, Near Special Qualities: Eyes that allow it to see in 360 degrees Massive purple wings extend from a thick chitinous body. This large insect has a large stinger at the end of its abdomen, and four extra appendages in its thorax that allow it to shoot toxic gasses it stores chemically in its stomach. Deceptively beautiful, this predator uses its beauty to get close to a victim, and is known to grab men and fly them up high only to drop them and then descend to feed on the carnage. It has very sharp teeth and eyes that allow it to see in every direction. Instinct: Feed, Breed, Destroy Trees
- Carry away prey, spray poison, paralysis sting
- Hypnotize with Wings
- Infectious Bite: Bugfever
Li Atona the Enchantress Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Hex -d4 forward to target and (w[2d8] damage) 22 HP 2 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Animate Objects Li Atona is a beautiful young half elf from the Magis Enclave. She is a well respected enchanter who carries a shop at the city square in Dalonae. Dressed in enclave silks, with her long black hair pulled up in a complicated braid, she is deceptively intelligent. Stats for NPC use: STR: 8, DEX: 10, CON: 12, INT: 18, WIS: 14, CHA: 16. Use Standard Warlock sheet from Incomplete Adventurer. Instinct: To learn the most powerful enchantments and be renowned
- Apply magical qualities to objects
- Apply trap sigils and curses to objects
- Li can apply curses and enchantments on items she touches. Some take more time than others.
- Li is a kind person but when threatened she will hex the attacker and sunder and otherwise destroy their equipment. She is smart and uses her surroundings.
Ichor piranha Solitary, Large, Divine Bite with divine teeth (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 22 HP 2 armor Like mortals, the gods have blood, divine blood, but still, blood. Like mortals, gods can bleed, either by being wounded, killed, or by spilling it themselves. This blood sometimes gets consumed by a piranha, causing it to grow in size, gain the mark of the god who's blood it consumed, and divine power. This, however, causes them to revere that deity, dead or otherwise, which some gods use to their advantage to guard temples, sometimes giving their blood willingly. Other times, it just stays there, begging other priests to hear him out as a conduit for their god. Instinct: Uphold the virtues of it's deity
- Use the blessings of the god's ichor
- Beg for more divine blood
- Ask for divine aid