Naga Child Group, Divine, Devious Serpent Whip. Constrict/Restrain. (d6 damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Reach, Near Special Qualities: They have whipping serpent tails for hair which they whip deftly at their enemy. This creature gets an immediate attack the first time someone enters their reach in combat. These are the first children of a Serpent Queen: Scylla. Like her, they have a medusa like appearance, with a humanoid torso and a snake like lower half. Unlike her they do not petrify as the serpents they have for hair are the tail ends which they whip about themselves deftly deflecting blows and making it difficult to approach. They get an immediate attack the first time in combat when someone enters their reach. Instinct: Protect the mother at all costs
- Takes damage done to the mother halved until dead. Serpent whip the enemy. Constrict and restrain.
- These tanks absorb damage for the Serpent Mother and must be killed before she can be hit.
- The Serpent Queen can receive HP from them D10, and if it kills them they explode in a miasma of petrifying mist
Júpiter Solitary, Huge, Magical, Stealthy, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder, Planar, Amorphous Garras e Raios Arcanos (b[2d10+7] damage 4 piercing) 33 HP 8 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Ele muda de forma Júpiter, o Dracolich é o Arcano Antigo, responsável pela morte do deus Ultion, e um dos poucos arcanos que conseguiu quebrar o ciclo de Stryx. Ele percebeu o ciclo no qual se encontrava, e se aliou a Koteus momentaneamente afim de matar Ultion para usar seu coração para um ritual que poderia o tornar um deus aparte. Desde então ele permanece no subterrâneo, ou seja, dentro do corpo do deus morto, fazendo pesquisas e descobrindo como fazer para se tornar um deus. Ele teve seu olho roubado por Vera e Urano. Instinct: Aumentar seu poder
- Dominar tudo que pode com magia
- Ilusões e armadilhas elaboradas
- Arcanismo de Stryx
- Enganação e Magia
- Conhecimento extradimensional
Mercurio - A Megera Horde, Magical, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder, Planar, Amorphous Rajada Psíquica (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 6 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Ilusões e Encantamentos Mercúrio é ninguém menos do que o Arcano mais próximo de Stryx, porém não se sabe o significado disso. Ele também absorveu parte de Ultion, e isso amplificou seus poderes arcanos, o tornando em uma Megera. Ele usa tudo ao seu alcance para vencer outros arcanos, e pra ele tudo é um instrumento. Ele usará seus seguidores fanáticos no combate, que formam uma massa na qual é difícil distinguir o verdadeiro Mercúrio. Instinct: Vencer todos os Arcanos
- Manipular Massas
- Quem é o verdadeiro?
- Ataques mentais
- Seguidores fanátics
- Ritual de dar poderes arcanos
Lost Citadel Scarlet Minotaur Solitary, Divine Horns (d10+4 damage) 14 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Rage, Not very bright Towering, blood-red, snorting and frothing. It plows through the labyrinthine halls of the Lost Citadel looking for creatures to slay. Pursues its quarry and never retreats. Unaware of secret doors. Forgets about unseen foes in a few minutes Ferocious bull-man with scarlet hooves and bloody curved horns. Returns to lair at least once every hour. Long ago, a mighty enclave of warriors lived inside the Lost Citadel. They worshipped bulls in ever-bloodier, cultish rituals that culminated in their leader, Minos, transforming into the Scarlet Minotaur. This immortal avatar of rage slaughtered the warriors in a single night of mayhem. However, some of their servants escaped through the unseen halls used by the lowly. These beast-men hid in the fallen citadel, trapped by superstitious fear of the outside. (“The Red Devil will find you, one way or another." -Muggins Greenbottle, renowned tomb robber) Adapted from the Shadowdark TTRPG Module "Lost Citadel of the Scarlet Minotaur". Instinct: Devour
- Impale on horns
- Patrol maze
- Attack in a blind rage
Lost Citadel Beast-men Group, Intelligent Claws (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 0 armor Close These grey-furred, feral beings have evaded the Scarlet Minotaur for generations. They dwell in the Lost Citadel, believing dragons wait outside to devour anyone who leaves the citadel. Endless fear has made them vicious and craven. Their leader, Rogath, rules by the might of his claws. They are terrified of making noise outside of their lair. Adapted from the Shadowdark TTRPG Module "Lost Citadel of the Scarlet Minotaur". Instinct: Stealth
- Silent Attack
Lost Citadel Ettercap Group, Intelligent, Hoarder Bite (d4 damage) 3 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Entagles in Webs Bipedal, eight-eyed, small spider-folk with spindly legs and purple fur. Recently, a group of ettercaps crept into the Citadel from the caves below the citadel. They slink through the minotaur-haunted halls, tempted by forgotten gems and gold. They plan to depart "as soon as we have enough loot," a moment which never seems to arrive. They are leaderless and unanimously greedy. If caught in an ettercap's web the player must Defy Danger vs. DEX or be entangled. Adapted from the Shadowdark TTRPG Module "Lost Citadel of the Scarlet Minotaur". Instinct: Steal
- Loot
- Ambush
- Feed
Harpy Group, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder Claws (d6+2 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Bird body, human face The Harpies of the Abyssal plane of the Wastes are wretched, vile beings. They worship a serpentine master and pick over the desolated lands for victims to harvest blood from. Their empress has granted her subjects manipulative powers allowing them to change their shape and cast spells based in blood. They want nothing more than to rule over the last standing island of the Wastes. Instinct: To drag you back to their nest and harvest your blood
- Rend with claws
- Blood magic
Bone Breaker Group, Large, Divine, Intelligent Mace (d8+4 damage) 16 HP 1 armor Forceful, Near Instinct: To crush
- Break bones