Orc Highwayman Group, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder Club / Handaxe (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close Small groups of orcs collect under the leadership of a female gang leader to secure their survival in the outlands. Those who aren't the best at fighting, or the most talented with magic most often become bandits, ambushing travelers to steal their stuff. Instinct: to take tasty loot
- Loot and Run
- Prepare an ambush
Mutant Canary Horde, Small, Organized Beak (d4 damage 1 piercing) 3 1 armor Hand A former mine canary, it has mutated to the size of a chicken. The reproduce quickly and will take over portions of it's former mine. Typically attack in groups of three, breaking off from larger flocks. It is very noisy, and it's chirps will attract the attention of the rest of the flock. Instinct: Defend Its Nest
- Bombard
- Drag
- Battle Chirp
Beastman Leader Solitary, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying Claws and Fangs (b[2d10+4] damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Monsterous Body shifting its Proportions This somewhat wolflike leader of the beastman tribe leads with an iron fist. He is the one that willst the pack into cooperation by force and fear. Where the bodies of the others are the combination of human and beast anatomy, his body is shifting to his needs, changing from a more humanoid form to nearly quatrupedal wolf form within seconds. Bearing this power, and the frenzying howl of the silver wolf, he let's go of his civilized nature whenever he fights, ripping and tearing enemies apart with claws and fangs, where his brethren use swords and other weapons. Instinct: to lead the pack to brutal glory
- Move in with bestial power
- Howl for the pack to frenzy
Witherling Group, Terrifying Bite (d8+2 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: No flesh Witherling - the name given to the walking dead in Gnollish folklore. A gaping maw of huge, gnashing teeth that desires nothing more than to pierce flesh and taste warm blood again... Instinct: To gnaw the flesh off bones
- Grip something in its jaws
Atronach Horde, Divine, Magical, Construct, Terrifying, Amorphous Concussive blast (d6+2 damage) 10 HP 4 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Made of strange stone, Abstract shape The form and structure of a magical construct is intricate and precise. Each component inscribed with delicate runes and channels through which magic will flow and turn lifeless metal into living flesh. The mage desires to improve this structure - the runes more precise, the enchantments more complex, the channels more efficient. When the Patron of Perfection herself brings life to stone - beautifully ugly, infinitely complex, perfectly simple and disturbingly inhuman - she forms the Atronachs. Instinct: To serve Niserie
- Incapacitate them with sound
- Shatter something
Wyvern Solitary, Huge Venomous stinger (b[2d10+7] damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 2 armor Reach, Forceful, Near Special Qualities: Wings, elemental breath, Thick scales A terrifying predator in its own right. These beasts have scales somewhere between that of a dragon and a moth, allowing them to fly completely silent even in the stillest of nights. While these creatures are stupid, it would be foolish to call them dumb. They tend to make their nests around paralytic and/or hallucinogenic fungi, but if the spores don't get you, then the venomous stinger the size of a mans forearm sure will. Instinct: To consume slowly
- Paralyze with its venomous stinger
- Carry to the nest
- Clumsily spew an element from its mouth.
Wulfgar, the Iron Maiden Solitary, Huge, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying, Amorphous Garras e Psionismo (b[2d10+7] damage 4 piercing) 33 HP 6 armor Reach, Forceful, Near, Far Special Qualities: Metade elfo e metade esfinge Wulfgar é nada mais nada menos do que a Usurpadora. Ela fez vários rituais para drenar a energia vital de Ult e se tornar A Esfinge. Ela utiliza poderes mentais e de força incomum proporcionada pela energia de Ult. Além disso, Wulfgar utiliza de artefatos em seu corpo para ajuda-la na batalha. -Um bracelete que lhe permite se tornar intangível enquanto não está atacando. -Uma coroa que lhe permite controlar quem for a se sacrificar em seu lugar. Instinct: Dominação Global
- Domina o corpo, a mente e a alma
- Psionismo
Kaijū Monster Solitary, Huge Grab, crush and chew. (b[2d12+7] damage) 24 HP 2 armor Reach, Forceful Kaiju (怪獣) are giant monsters, which are usually depicted attacking major cities and battling either the military or other monsters. They are unstoppable forces of nature, hungry for magic and energy to maintain their vital functions. Instinct: Consume large sources of magic and energy.
- Destroy everything in its path.