Displacer Elder Solitary, Huge, Messy, Causious Teeth, Claws (d10+3 damage 1 piercing) 24 HP 3 armor Near, Close, Reach Special Qualities: Hides itself with illusions, Bone Plates Displacer elders look like larger versions of their younger kin. A keen eye might spot the pale patches around the face and tail that indicate the beast's age. They travel almost exclusively solo or on rare occasions will lead a pride on a hunt. Displacer elders claim prides and the territories they control. Experienced and intelligent, they can maintain their illusion even when in a fight. These apex predators have also developed boney protrusions that they use for their own protection. Instinct: To protect and claim territory
- Stalk its prey
- Challenge a rival
Displacer Beast Group, Large, Thick Hide, Stealthy, Cautious Claws and Teeth (d8 +1 damage) 10 HP 2 armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Project their location Large cats with 6 legs and a pair of tentacles that end with pads of sharp spikes. They tend to travel in small prides and work together to take down stronger prey. Instinct: Hunt & Feed
- Stalk its prey
Displacer Cubs Group, Small Teeth and Claws (d6 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Hand, Close Special Qualities: Blurry outline Displacer beast cubs are small and cute in appearance, often mistaken for ordinary cats as they do not yet have their distinctive tentacles. While the cubs lack the illusion capabilites of their parents they do blur their images. Instinct: To feed
- Yowling for parents
Phane Solitary, Large, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Planar, Amorphous Rending claws (d10 damage) 23 HP 7 armor Ignores Armor Phanes are strange beings from a place between the moments of time. They wander the multiverse, sowing chaos wherever they go. They aren't necessarily malicious, mind you, but they are highly dangerous due to their powers over time itself. Very few have ever seen a phane in person and lived to talk about it. Those who have describe them as resembling clouds of black smoke, shaped vaguely like a feline centaur, with two blazing green eyes. Instinct: To meddle
- Slip through time and space
- Make something age
- Meddle with time itself
- Tell the past, present, or future
Mortalitasi: Elite Hunter Group, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious Spiritual weapons (b[2d8+2] damage 1 piercing) 14 HP 2 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Un cazador de elite desplegado por los Mortalitasi para asegurarse de que ninguna nigromancia quede impune en el lugar. Como sirvientes del Ministro de la Muerte, cuentan con una pequeña fracción de los poderes de la deidad, y los usan para mantener a raya a los no-muertos o los enemigos de la facción. Instinct: to hunt necromancers or faction enemies
- Call upon guardian spirits
- Paralize the soul of a target
- Mark targets to hunt them
Lizardfolk Ranger Group, Stealthy, Intelligent Shooting normal and poisonous arrows, bite and claws if close (b[2d8] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 2 armor Close This lizardfolk serves green dragon of gluttony. They sacrifices other creatures to them. They are sneaky and using poison of their blood. They likes ambush others Instinct: Sacrifice lifes
- Serve The Gluttony Dragon
- Sneaking behind leaves and trees, Using poison
Primitive Eyeless One Horde, Divine, Devious, Organized, Construct, Terrifying, Amorphous Fungal slam (b[2d4+6] damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Spit fungal rot, Anything short of decapitation can be restored, The rotten flesh disgusts and terrifies The Eyeless Ones are created by the Dark Hunter at the behest of the Shadow-Druids. They are corpses infected with a fungus similar to the hive-mind fungus, but not quite the same. It keeps the bodies mostly intact for as long as possible and uses them as covert observers and attackers. Fortunately, these primitive Eyeless Ones are weak, both from being only experimental, and from having progressed much further into the rotten-meat stage than a "full" Eyeless One would be. Their fungal slams and spit attacks can spread mind-affecting spores, however, which a less-decayed Eyeless One could not yet do. Be wary. Instinct: To serve the Shadow Fungus
- Observe and assault
- Infectious spores that daze and confuse
- Fungal harmony: Eyeless ones standing on natural surfaces can share health
Rat Golem Solitary, Large, Construct, Terrifying, Amorphous Slam (d10+4 damage) 27 HP 1 armor Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Summoned by a mad flautist, Terrifying Dozens of charmed rats climbing on top of each other into a roughly human shape. Most attacks will only kill one or two individual rats, leaving the rest to regroup into the golem. It can also hurl balls of rats, but this reduces its health Instinct: Defend the Nest
- Horde Health
Mad Flautist Solitary, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Flute Bash (d6 damage) 16 HP 0 armor Close A hermit who lives among a colony of rats. They play their flute to control the rats and charm people, The rats tend to collect shiny objects and stash them in the nest. Instinct: To protect it's horde
- Call forth the swarm
- Charm Person/Animal
- Summon Rat Golem
Minihomúnculos de sangre y cenizas Group Protuberancias (d6+2 damage) 17 HP 1 armor Cerca, Corrosivo, Escabroso Criatura deforme que se ha formado por la lluvia de sangre y cenizas que implantó El Sabio sobre la Ciudadela. Su moco es corrosivo y avanza sin control ni raciocinio. Instinto : Avanzar Instinct: Avanzar
- Agarre
- Ataque en grupo +3
- Mucosa corrosiva: +1d4 daño corrosivo