Talliner Scarhorn Solitary, Divine, Intelligent Puños del multiverso (b[2d10+4] damage 1 piercing) 18 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful, Reach, Far Instinct: Defender a sus amigas
- Seguir ordenes
Alice Misserany Solitary, Stealthy, Divine, Intelligent flecha hacha (b[2d10+2] damage 2 piercing) 18 HP 1 armor Close, Far Instinct: Defender Otenok
- Seguir ordenes
- Cambio de posicion rapido
Clarysbert, Señor de las alimañas Solitary, Large, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Patas de arañas (b[2d10+4] damage 3 piercing) 22 HP 4 armor Near Special Qualities: insectoide Instinct: Proteger a su portador
- Residir en la bufanda
- Nube de plagas
- Conocimiento muerto
Juez Supremo Jacques Silverfish Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Divine, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Mirada hiriente (d8 damage 1 piercing) 22 HP 4 armor Close, Reach, Far Special Qualities: Conservado por magia Instinct: Guardian de los secretos
- Mantener el orden
- Misty step
- Inflict Wounds
- Call guard
The Shining Child Solitary, Tiny, Magical, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying, Amorphous Rend Soul- Light shines from the Childs face and tears apart the memories and soul of it's victims (d10+2 damage) 15 HP 5 armor Hand, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: The child is driven by loneliness and grief, always searching for it's lost family Unformed gods or demons, formed from the afterbirth or the cosmos. They don't know who or what they are, only loneliness. In their desperation to know another beyond themselves, they burn the souls of anyone they come across to nothingness. The Children can only be put to rest when forced into magical darkness. Instinct: To unpeel the soul and truly know
- Sear the minds of mortals with Divine Mysteries
- Anyone caught in the child's gaze has their soul torn to pieces, and becomes a wraith
- It's light can dispel all but the darkest magical darkness
Águila de Alta Ciudad Solitary, Large Grito supersónico (1d12 damage + 4) 16 HP 1 armor Largo alcance Gran ave de titánica envergadura de un plumaje elegante y voraz. Su preciso pico va a juego con sus afilados ojos que a donde miran es donde sus garras atacan. Su grito supersónico ayuda a aturdir a sus presas para facilitar su caza. Instinct: Oberdecer a la Arquera
- Garras: 1d8 + Perforante 2
- Condición de aturdido
Dragón Tortuga Solitary, Huge Aliento gélido (1d12+5 damage) 28 HP 3 armor Largo alcance, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Saliva tóxica e hipercongelante Una inmensa tortuga gigantesca de grandes placas congeladas sobre su caparazón que reluce en la oscuridad y unos brillantes ojos carmesí. Peligrosa por su aliento gélido y su saliva tóxica e hipercongelante. Instinct: Obedecer a la Arquera
- Saliva tóxica e hipercongelante: -1PG por acción
- Condición de tembloroso
Tardigrado Gigante Solitary, Huge Cañón de agua (2d10+3 damage) 24 HP 5 armor Cerca, Largo Alcance, Contundente Conocido como el rey del Lago Eutrofia, este gigantesco oso de agua tiene un cuerpo alargado y regordete y una cabeza arrugada, la cual, presenta una potente estructura bucal son estiletes punzantes que están vinculados a músculos retractores y protractores capaces de crear un gran cañón de agua. De cada una de sus ocho pata emergen dos grandes y afiladas uñas dobles que usa para atacar a sus presas. Instinct: Obedecer a la Arquera
- Garras: 1d8 + Perforante 2
Demonic Bloodletter Horde, Small, Terrifying Greatsword (2d6+4) damage) 10 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Resists Magic These red skinned, horned demons enter battle unarmored and wielding greatswords. Driven by the berserk fury of their alien god, they are often found in roving bands raiding farms and small villages or used as light infantry in his great armies. Instinct: To Kill, Maim, Murder
- Attack with berserk ferocity
- Spread Fear and Confusion
Boiling Billies Group x2, Large Poisonous stinger (d8 dmg) 1 piercing) 12 HP 2 armor The outer carapace of a Boiling Billy is a rippling wall of armoured plating. When threatened, they will rear up on their hind legs to expose the boiling hot bellies they have concealed within their casing. Roiling magma courses through their vessel and concentrates at their sickle-shaped stinger. If you get caught by a Billy's raptorial forearms, it will drag you close and spring into a ball around you like a rollie pollie, encasing you within its burning form. This gives the Billie an easy opportunity to poke you with its short but fearsome stinger. The pain is excruciating, some would compare the sensation to being boiled alive. Instinct: To guard the portal while it is under construction
- Rear up in a display of rippling legs and gushing magmatic innards
- Snatch a foe with its barbed forearms
- Trap inside its rolled up form
- Administer a deadly sting