Cougar Bat Solitary, Large Claws and Teeth (b[2d10+4] damage 1 piercing) 16 HP 1 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Impecable senses, blind Instinct: To hunt a quarry
- Pounce and slash
Ulrich von Senftenberg Solitary, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious Schwerthiebe (d10+2 damage) 19 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful, Near (Blitze) Special Qualities: Anführer 1, Hexendiener Ein treuer Diener Baba Yagas. Kein vollwertiger Rabenritter aber mit Tätwowierungen an versteckten Stellen (Kopfhaut unter den Haaren für Vitalität und in den Achseln für Stärke und den Blitzzauber), die ihm Macht verleihen. Hat zuerst den brutalen Heinrich von Königsberg in den Kult geholt, der sich schnell aber Abigor zuwandte und nun die anderen Ritterbrüder zur Kriegsdämonin konvertiert hat. Ulrich verblieb treu und versucht nun nach Osten zu fliehen vor seinen ehemaligen Kultgefährten. Er versucht die Rotherer vor den Deutschrittern zu "warnen" um ihnen das Leben schwer zu machen. Sein Kontakt ist die Bäuerin Armella. Instinct: Den Deutschen Orden unterwandern
- Baba Yaga dienen
- Blitz aus dem Schwert schleudern (ignorieren Metallrüstung)
- Mit dem Schild parieren
Schwarzer Komtur Heinrich von Königsdorf Solitary, Magical, Organized, Intelligent Verfluchter Anderthalbhänder (b[2d10+2] damage) 22 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Anführer 2, schw. Resi Magie Heinrich von Königsdorf ist der Hauskomtur der Altenburg bei Bamberg. Von Ehrgeiz zerfressen schloss sich der oft übersehene junge Mann dem schwarzen Orden bei und schwort zuerst wie alle anderen auf Baba Yaga. Doch die Träume Abigors überzeugten ihn und die letzten Getreuen Baba Yagas sind nuzn ausgemerzt. Er wird der Marschall Abigors werden so hofft er, wenn sie erst einmal über Bamberg herrscht. Die Sozietät vom Reiter sind seiner Wahrnehmung nach nur Marionetten. Instinct: Den Orden unterwandern
- Den schwarzen Orden
- Blutfluch -> Wundern vergrößern sich für 1W4 Schaden im Umfeld
- Ordernsritter herbeirufen
- Die Klinge in dunklem Feuer lodern lassen (Durchdringung 2)
- Blick der Furcht (Angst erzeugen)
Schwarzer Ordensritter Group, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious Schwert (1d8 damage) 6 HP 3 armor Close Nach außen ein gewöhnlicher Ordensritter, gekleidet in Kettenrsütung mit Plattenteilen und mit dem schwarzen Kreuz auf der Brust. Einzig der kalte, menschenverachtende Blick, wenn er sich unbeobachtet fühlt, könnten einen Hinweis geben. Instinct: Feinde im Kampf bezwingen
- Die dunklen Mächte anbeten
- Andere Ritter zur Hilfe rufen
- Geheime Rituale abhalten
- Von hinten attackieren
Half-Dragon Group, Magical, Intelligent javelins (d10+2 damage) 10 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: the live with ease on the mountains The Half-Dragon is a fearsome creature, bearing the unmistakable traits of both dragon and humanoid ancestry. Scales of various colors cover its muscular body, and its eyes gleam with a sharp intelligence inherited from its dragon lineage. Standing tall and imposing, the Half-Dragon exudes an air of both strength and territorial pride. Instinct: secure the safety of their mountain
- Serve and protect the dragons on their mountains
- elemental breath
Giant Snapping Turtle Solitary Bite (d10 damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close, Reach, Forceful, Messy Special Qualities: Amphibious, Shell These giant turtles have a shell that extends to cover most of their tail and neck; its smooth contours broken up by the ridge lines running its length. Unlike most of the shell with its dark hues these have sandy coloured ringlets adorning their peaks. They spend most of their time lying in wait for some unfortunate creature to swim past where they can either grab them from their shelter or dash into the open seas with short bursts of speed. Little escapes their grasp. Instinct: Scavange food
- Rock camouflage
- Jet short distances
Trained Giant Snapping Turtle Group, Large Bite (d8+3 damage) 10 HP 3 armor Close, Reach, Forceful, Messy Special Qualities: Amphibious, Shell For generations wavekin have bred the giant snapping turtles. They still resemble their wild conterparts however theses are much larger and stronger. They have lost all semblance of stealth as their shells are now bred for bright colours and painted with tribal symbols. Used as both mounts and pack animals these are often the unseen force stopping ships at sea as they try to flee wavekin. Instinct: To immobilise
- Grab and hold on command
Wavekin Fighter Group, Intelligent Tridents (d8+2 damage) 6 HP 3 armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Amphibious, Grants underwater breathing Wavekin fighters are a bit more bulky than their slaver bretheren. They clothe themselves in armour made from scales and shells of dead sea creatures. With sharp teeth and a wicked temper, they are not ones to cross lightly. During raids the fighters are less concerned with gathering slaves and more with testing their strength against the stronger air-breathers. Back home they enjoy breaking the will of rebellious captives. Instinct: Gather Slaves
- Break the stong
Wavekin Slaver Group, Intelligent Coral Knives (d6+2 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Reach with net Special Qualities: Amphibious, Grants underwater breathing These six limbed, green scaled amphibians walk on two legs with a long tail. Their 4 arms are often ornamented with jewelery or highly decorative bracers. A fin ridge runs down their back often tipped in bright oranges or reds. These slavers gather large groups to cultivate and process their otherwise poisonous food source. With a limited magical talent they grant their captives the ability to breath underwater. However this is often withheld as a form of torture. They will hunt any manned vessel that passes near waters they control daring to capture the unwary with net and knife. Instinct: Gather slaves
- Torment the weak
Mercenario Group Armas maciais (d6+2 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful, Near Instinct: Sobreviver
- Fazer o que for pago pra fazer