Homúnculo de sangre y cenizas Solitary, Huge, Amorphous Protuberancias (d10+3 damage) 31 HP 1 armor Largo alcance, Corrosivo, Escabroso Criatura deforme que se ha formado por la lluvia de sangre y cenizas que implantó El Sabio sobre la Ciudadela. Su moco es corrosivo y avanza sin control ni raciocinio. Instinct: Avanzar
- Agarre
- Mucosa corrosiva: +1d4 de daño corrosivo
Druid of the mycelium Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder exploding spore clouds (d12 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Surrounded by spores, Connected by the Mycelium After the big cataclysm most people of the civilized world fled the land in search of a new home. But not all of them. There are still those whose precursors stayed all this time ago to fight the blight of the demonic plane. Fighting corruption and demons alike to rebuild the natural ways. Those that are alive now, nearly 500 years later are organized in druidic circles, away from the town of the folks that came back all these centuries later. They still fight the demons and their blight, and they won't be stopped by the newcomers. As they are separated, travelling the lands fighting, they learned to contact the mycelium and use the huge fungus that grows everywhere to communicate and travel to far away places. And in turn, they pay the fungus with their service in fighting the demons, and once every while by helping it get a body or two to control as mycozobie, which they use for the most dangerous tasks, as restoring the nature in those places the bligh and corruption has taken a hold in. Instinct: To rebuild the natural ways
- Create a veil of spores of the arcane fungus
- Command the spores to inflict poisons and other negative effects
- Influence someones mind
- Reanimate a corpse into a mycozombie
- Portal through the mycelium
Dust Walker Group, Organized, Intelligent, Amorphous Stone Sword (d8 damage) 17 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Reconstitute from dust over some time Dust walkers most commonly look like sand blasted robes but underneath lies a dessicated skeleton with spectral glowing eyes. They draw stone weapons from the earth at need. Dust walkers travel the world in search of information willing to barter or pay for answers to their obscure questions. No living creature remembers what they search for: their mortal enemies, the Ogre Lords. Instinct: Hunt down their target
- Barter for information
- A dust walker can choose to disperse themselves over a large area. This takes a very long time to recover from (days or more). When they do all other dust walkers in the region are alerted to where and why this has happened.
Ogre Lord Solitary, Large, Intelligent, Hoarder It charges at an enemy to grapple (Reach) and throw them (Near) (d10+3 damage) 16 HP 2 armor Forceful, Reach, Near These huge ogres live solitary lives at the edges of the world. Driven by a lust for power they gather vast hoards of treasure and a legion of servants to bend to their unbreaking will. Known to anger at the slightest provocation, underlings will scatter for fear of being used as weapons against the source of their Lord's displeasure. Tall, hulking and with long ape-like arms, Ogre Lords enjoy wearing the bones of crushed foes. Instinct: To subjegate and rule
- Pick up and throw a creature or large object
- Sacrifice an underling
Estómidos Group, Small, Organized Mordiscos (d6 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Cerca, Sangrado +1 Special Qualities: Luz Peces abisales de piel dura y tamaño medio, presentan fotoforos productores de luz y la mayoría tienen una larga barbilla asociado una gran mandíbula con afilados dientes. Instinct: Alimentarse
- Mordisco con sangrado +1
- Ataque en grupo +3
Mixinos Horde, Tiny, Devious Succión (d4 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Near Special Qualities: Secrección mucosa venenosa Gusanos abisales alargados y planos, sin escamas y normalmente poco pigmentados. Presenta una mandíbula sin dientes preparada para succionar que se ayuda de pequeños tentáculos a su alrededor. Cuando los mixinos se sienten amenazados, segregan una secreción mucosa venenosa. Instinct: Alimentarse
- Secreción mocosa venenosa -1
Centollo Abisal Horde, Small, Organized, Cautious Pinzas (d6 damage 1 piercing) 7 HP 4 armor Close, Penetrante 1, Agarre débil Pequeños centollos formados por una placa de hueso con afiladas protuberancias de las que nacen diez afiladas patas pétreas y dos pinzas capaces a partir de piedra, concha o metal. Instinct: Alimentarse
- Golpear y atrapar con las pinzas
- Agarre débil
- Ataque en grupo: +3 daño si tiene a un igual cerca
Centollo Abisal Horde, Tiny (d6-2 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Hand Instinct:
- Atrapar y coger con las pinzas
Centollo abisal gigante Solitary, Huge, Cautious Pinzas (d10+7 damage 2 piercing) 20 HP 6 armor Medio, Penetrante 2, Agarre fuerte, Escabroso Una placa de hueso con afiladas protuberancias de las que nacen diez afiladas patas pétreas y dos descomunales pinzas acostumbradas a partir piedra, concha o metal. Instinct: Proteger su guarida
- Golpear y atrapar con las pinzas
- Agarre fuerte: un objetivo atrapado sólo puede desafiar el peligro con fuerza o alguna acción mágica en su turno
Cabaña Group, Large, Stealthy, Intelligent, Terrifying Muerte cerebral y punzada venenosa (d8 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Telepatía y telequinesis., Sus muchas patas son aterradoras La Cabaña es un híbrido monstruoso traído de la mismísimas Lindes, donde son conocidas por alimentarse en pequeños grupos de CUALQUIER COSA. Tienen ocho patas de caballo, cuatro pares de ojos y un enorme y abotargado abdomen quitinoso que se junta con la parte anterior de caballo. Instinct: Cazar y alimentarse.
- Manipular y atacar mediante psiónica
- Te utiliza para atacar a tus propios compañeros.