Adult Wretch Dragon Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar, Terrifying
Bites and claws (d12+4 damage 3 piercing) 20 HP 2 armor
Forceful, Reach, Near
Special Qualities: Wings, Explosive necrotic sores

Dragons are immutable fact, that cannot be denied. The planar spheres too, these exist and strange and weird horrors and otherworldly things dwell there. But few consider the same applies to dragons. Do not strange otherworldly vistas scarcely comprehensible by mortal minds not also have their own dragons? Why wouldn't they, if dragons are so powerful then the heavens and hells and... other places would have them too. Wretch Dragons come from the land of faerie, but not all the faeries are beautiful and enticing, some such as hags and other such wretched things seethed in hatred and malice and ugliness. Wretch Dragons too, engineered with all the finest curses and diseases that a fey mind can imagine, these creatures curse and befoul all that they touch. Luckily they tend to stick to their own realms which are already sick and horrific. Thank the gods. Instinct: To defile

  • Warp space and souls with a roar of psychic power
  • Curse your foes with every breath
  • Wield curses with disquieting power
  • Curse those that slay you to become you
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Infinite Oregano