Werejellyfish Group, Small, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder
Stinging tentacles (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Land- and seaborne, Weak to silver

The mysteries of the moonlit depths can be fascinating at times. In certain waters masses of jellyfish can be found and can be quite deadly, but what is more worrying are rumours of those that are both jellyfish and person, cut from the same cloth as werewolves and similar - but more insidious in a way that is hard to imagine. Thankfully they mostly plague coastal regions, but what their motives are or how they operate are still a mystery. But it is said that they are the cause for ships found adrift with no-one aboard... Instinct: To thrive unseen on the frontier

  • Inject paralytic venom
  • Transform to pass unnoticed as beast or man
  • Beckon forth the gelatinous hordes
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Infinite Oregano