Fallen Champion Solitary, Stealthy, Intelligent
Arsenal of wicked weapons (b[2d10+2] damage 3 piercing) 12 HP 5 armor
Close, Near

Sir Kindlin was a living legend...A champion of the common man, slayer of Dragons, defender of the faith, a Paladin beyond reproach. Far and wide he traveled dispensing justice to the wicked and hope to the down trodden...but something changed. Maybe it was the bloodshed? maybe it was the hypocrisy of the church? maybe the dark places he ventured and fell forces he fought corrupted his mind and soul? No one knows for sure...but now he is a legend of a different kind. A bloodthirsty murderer, A twisted parody of his former self, bent on death and destruction. When he appears, a wake of vultures await a feast...His name is only whispered now. Instinct: Kill the good, Make them suffer, Take no prisoners

  • Merciless attack
  • Fight Dirty

Created by: felltyde