Living Gobs Horde, Tiny, Stealthy
Sizzling, acidic fat and tissue (d4-2 damage) 3 HP 0 armor
Special Qualities: Undead, Acidic Flesh

Out in the scarps, somehow, this thing was left. Possibly dropped from a devastating height onto sharp rocks, exploding in a shower of gore, bone, and organs. Each scattered piece yet remains unliving, with a will to add to itself by rending apart the living. Few living things of appreciable size ever venture into the region. Perhaps this was the reason it was left here. Whatever accursed oil permeates the fats and tissues of this thing is able to spread into other dead flesh, animating it and passing along its terrible properties. Instinct: to add to itself

  • Ensnare with ropes of sinew and organs
  • Appear to be nothing more than a pile of gore
  • Ruin a piece of gear with acid
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Lunatic Pathos