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Thawralnaar Group, Large, Magical Hoof and horn (d8 damage) 10 HP 2 armor Special Qualities: Immune to Fire, Immune to Cold A mated pair of massive oxen. Huge stamping feet and short, but no less dangerous, horns. Hide that looks like bronze brigandine. Heat radiating in waves from their bodies warping the air. A sudden snort unleashes a gout of fire that scorches the plants around them, except for the wine-colored leafy shrubs they were eating, deadly poison to humans. An overlarge insect bursts from the fire. The popping sound seems to delight the bull, an uncanny grin forming as stray flamelets wreathe his head. Instinct: to delight in torching things
- Exude waves of debiitating heat
- Snort a gout of spreading flame
- Pin them with a hoof for proper charring
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Knight Malynn the Colossus Group, Magical, Intelligent Stoneskin fists (d8+2 damage 2 piercing) 6 HP 5 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Permanent Stoneskin Blessing Malynn is called the Colossus for a reason. She stands about seven and a half feet tall, though she is lanky rather than bulky. She wears little armor for a knight, just enough to denote her standing and show her colors and heraldry. Likewise, she carries weaponry only as a practical or symbolic matter. A close look or knowledge of her exploits reveal the reason. Malynn has been blessed by her gods with skin and muscle hard as stone. It is quite a sight to see her block a broadsword with a bared forearm or dent armor and shields with a fist. Malynn isn't a fool, but is uncomfortable making important decisions for herself. Instinct: Defend those wiser than she
- Bear the brunt of the foe's attack
- Blunt, break, or peel apart the enemies' equipment