Tengu Group, Organized Katana (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 0 armor Close Humanoid in appearance, these yokai have large wings representing those of a bird of prey and wear red masks depicting comically long noses. They are masters of the sword and use their skills to cause mischief and defend their mountains. Instinct: to guard
- Flying swordplay
- Sends it's cry through the mountain
Mochi Mice Horde, Tiny, Stealthy, Organized, Hoarder Swarming (d4-2 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Hand, Ignores Armor To your dismay, you watch as your rice ball rolls down the slope and falls into a hole. Suddenly, cheerful music begins sounding from the hole. Mochi mice love nothing more than to make mochi, party, and entertain guests. If they take a liking to you, they'll send you home with some lovely gifts. If they aren't so fond of you, they're always looking for new mochi flavorings. . . Instinct: To celebrate
- Make mochi
- Extremely intoxicating parties
- Squeak for help
Hoga-baba Solitary, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Thrown potions (w[2d6] damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Near Hoga Hisakawa, affectionately referred to as Hoga-baba by the village children and many adults, is an old woman who mysteriously appeared a few years ago after a night of heavy fog. Her sudden appearance and her ability to heal unusual ailments has caused many rumors about her being a witch. In reality, she grew up in the spirit world and just happens to know a bit about the more mischievous tiny kami and yokai causing trouble. Instinct: To remain
- Heal mysterious ailments
- Healing potions
- Cunning and resourceful
Nurikabe Solitary, Huge, Stealthy, Magical, Devious Bite (w[2d8+3] damage) 20 HP 1 armor Reach You exit the bar and are stumbling through familiar streets when suddenly you run into....nothing? As you search for a way around, you start feeling a bit confused. As you start wandering off, you remember an old story your grandmother once told. You pick up a stick and tap on the bottom left part of the wall. Suddenly, a huge dog-faced creature materializes in front of you. It gives you a happy look before disappearing. In the morning, no one believes your tale, brushing it off as a drunken vision. Instinct: Cause mischief
- Block paths
- Appears as nothing
- Invisibility
- Causes disorientation and confusion
Oni-baba Solitary, Stealthy, Intelligent, Terrifying Kitchen/Butcher's Knives (d10 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Blood chilling demonic face Once a beautiful woman, Oni-baba has been twisted by years of anger, resentment, and jealousy. After nearly a life-time of these feelings, she has become a flesh-eating daemon. She often takes the form of an elderly lady to lure her victims into her home, where she butchers and devours them. Instinct: To Kill
- Devour flesh
- Appear human
Nurikabe Test Solitary, Huge, Magical, Stealthy, Devious Ghostly Lick (w[2d8-3] damage) 24 HP 6 armor Reach, Ignores Armor You exit the bar and are stumbling through familiar streets when suddenly you run into....nothing? It seems as if your path is blocked by an invisible wall. You try going around, but it doesn't seem to end. You consider climbing over, but decide that's ill advised. You start feeling a bit confused, disoriented, and are about to wander off when suddenly you remember an old story your grandmother used to tell. You pick up a stick and tap on the bottom left part of the wall. Suddenly, a huge dog-faced wall-like creature materializes in front of you. It gives you a happy look before turning, and disappearing. Likely off to find someone else to solve it's puzzle. In the morning, no one believes your tale, brushing it off as a drunken vision. Instinct: To cause mischief
- Blocks the paths of travelers at night
- Invisibility
- Teleportation
- Causes travelers to become lost, confused, and disoriented the longer they struggle to get past
- Disappears when it's lower left corner is tapped