Nurikabe Solitary, Huge, Stealthy, Magical, Devious
Bite (w[2d8+3] damage) 20 HP 1 armor

You exit the bar and are stumbling through familiar streets when suddenly you run into....nothing? As you search for a way around, you start feeling a bit confused. As you start wandering off, you remember an old story your grandmother once told. You pick up a stick and tap on the bottom left part of the wall. Suddenly, a huge dog-faced creature materializes in front of you. It gives you a happy look before disappearing. In the morning, no one believes your tale, brushing it off as a drunken vision. Instinct: Cause mischief

  • Block paths
  • Appears as nothing
  • Invisibility
  • Causes disorientation and confusion

Created by: Pancakes