Atlantean Solitary, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar, Amorphous
Pseudopod (d12 damage) 15 HP 1 armor
Close, Near
Special Qualities: Amphibious, Polymorph

The mythical creators of the dopplegängers, the Atlanteans, used to rule many worlds. Now they are but a handful, ancient, mad and hungry. When the hunger becomes too unbearable, they leave their palaces at the bottom of the sea to feed on magic. If they can't find a treasure trove, they will assume the form of a powerful individual and use their resources to gather magic items, artifacts or even relics. The older the yummier. Instinct: To take power

  • Consume magic
  • Steal somebody's face and manners
  • Summon minions and allies
  • Use an artifact to call upon forgotten powers
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Eric Nieudan