Ju-In Slave-Master Group, Tiny, Magical, Organized, Intelligent Extra long cat-o-nine-tales (d10 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Hand A Ju-In petty noble responsible for overseeing a large contingent of slaves. Cruel and merciless, and capable of demoralizing with a glance. Instinct: Maintain order among the slaves
- Call for help from the Mind-Priest
- Crush morale with a glance
- Direct slaves against their will
Llygaid Pirate King Solitary, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious Batter resistance with massive hammer (d10+2 damage) 16 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Flight The leader of the Llygaid pirates. About twice as tall as any of the other Llygaid pirates (e.g. about as tall as a human) and as wide as he is tall. Rides a MASSIVE wasp. Carries a huge mallet whose head is made of some very durable metal not quite as heavy as it looks. Instinct: Pillage all that can be pillaged
- Terrify into obedience
- Summon more pirates to the fray
- Smash with Mallet
- Roll over opposition
- Order a retreat
Ju-In Mind-Priest Solitary, Stealthy, Divine, Magical, Intelligent Mental Blast (d12+2 damage) 12 HP 2 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far A Ju-In Mind Priest, responsible for a plantation. Instinct: Control all variables and situations
- Dominate psyches
- Direct Sensory Stimulation
- Command lesser beings
Minor Rain Spirits Horde, Tiny, Divine, Devious, Planar, Amorphous Driving rain and wind (d4-2 damage) 8 HP 3 armor Hand, Reach, Far A cluster of minor rain spirits, that will always flock to major rain storms of natural and unnatural origin. Instinct: Make things very wet
- Cause rain
- Ruin and make soggy
- Flicker in and out of existence
Llygaid Wind Sorcerer Solitary, Magical, Intelligent Bolts of lightning (d10 damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Flight A leader among the llygaid sky-pirates. Rides a powerful wasp creature. It's clothing and weapons are elaborate and colorful. Instinct: Cause chaos in the ranks of its enemies
- Control the winds
- Call down storms
- Create fogs and clouds
MorLadron Warrior Pirate on a GwenynMawr (Giant Pseudo-Wasp) Horde, Organized, Intelligent Slashing and Stinging (d6+2 damage 1 piercing) 3 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Flight A MorLadron (Four-eyed inhabitant of Istarte) warrior-pirate, riding on a giant pseudo-wasp called a GwenynMawr. The warrior-pirate has various melee weapons, and the GwenynMawr itself has a dangerous stinger. The GwenynMawr is about the size of a small pony with a wide wingspan. The MorLadron are diminutive, about three and half feet tall. Instinct: Plunder and Pillage
- Circle and Harrass
- Take to the Air
- Swoop and Snatch
Carnivorous Orchid Solitary, Huge, Stealthy, Amorphous Squeezing Tendrils (d10+5 damage) 23 HP 2 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near A very large orchid-like flower, about 20 feet across. It waits for prey to come near, then grabs them with it's tendrils and drags them to a central chamber inside of itself, where acid will dissolve the flesh and bone. Instinct: Consume Passing Prey
- Grab Prey with Tendrils
- Drag and Squeeze Prey
- Digest Prey in Central Chamber
Adolescent Red Dragon Solitary, Large, Hoarder Fiery Breath (b[2d10] damage 1 piercing) 16 HP 2 armor Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Wings Only 75 years old, an adolescent red dragon is dangerous, but not fully as cunning as it will be after another hundred years. It flies with great speed and it's flames are extremely hot. Instinct: Consume fresh meat
- Swoop and Flame
- Snatch with claws
- Pause to consume