Gorkin Group, Small, Stealthy, Organized Claws or blunt objects. (d10 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: A nearly perfect sense of smell and touch. Nearly blind. The Gorkin are humanoid creatures, living underground, with low intelligence. With pack tactics they are sure to hunt down most animals in close vicinity of their lair. Expanding their lair by digging they are led by a matriach or brood-mother. This alpha-female usually gives birth to up to fourteen hatchlings within a week after fertilization. The brood-mother sometimes hunts aswell but mostly stays in the lair to fight off intruders. The gorkin sleep in their lair at day and hunt at night. They tend to go for farm animals first when new to an area, plaguing human settlements. If not taken care of, a gorkin "clan" can reach a population of up to 400 members. When reaching this number most clans split and a new brood-mother is born. They have intensely long lifespans of around 120 years outliving most humans. Their sense of smell and touch are incredibly sharp. Being able to sniff out intruders before they even entered their lair. Although nearly blind they do see light and dark and can differentiate between that very easily. Instinct: To feed and multiply!
- Hunt at night
- Dropping from the ceiling on intruders.
- Their kin is always close. Maybe even right above you.
Teutonic Giant Scorpion Solitary, Huge, Devious Claws (b[2d8+7] damage 4 piercing) 24 HP 2 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor The monster is a giant scorpion. Without a tail to inject the venom it can only inject it by pincing with it's claws. The legs being rather short it relies on it's long arms, as long as it's body, to catch it's prey. If caught the prey will be pulled towards the fangs, bit and injected with acid to be devoured later by sucking out the insides. It's chitin protects it from all but the most ferocious attacks. These monsters and their nests, woven from silk, are often found in timid, dry and dusty environments. Sometimes smaller specimen are found in dry dungeons and old abandoned libraries. If a Teutonic Giant Scorpion lives in a region the vicinity is usually devoid of other monsters and creatures as it tends to hunt and eat everything that is smaller than itself and worth pursuing as a source of food. They usually don't harm small game like rabbits or mice, except a growing specimen, but go after bears, deer and humans. Instinct: To feed.
- Cut and envenom
- It injects a venom when clawing someone!