Goblin Drummers Horde, Small, Organized, Intelligent throw mallet (d4) (d6 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Adjacent Goblins get advantage. Instinct: Scream and drum until the end of the world
- Work other goblins into a frenzy
- Frenzy the horde
Spikers (Goblin) Horde, Small, Intelligent, Organized Spiked Armour (d6 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Inflict damage at 15 and below Goblin clan ruled by an orb from space. Followers of a doomsday cult. Instinct: Jump on enemies, run against them
- Want to help others reach the afterlife
- Collect head trophies
- Do not fear death
Umber Hulk (confusing aura) Solitary, Large, Stealthy Iron Claws (2d6), Mandibles (d10) 16 HP 3 armor Pierce (2 points) Special Qualities: Confusing Aura , Infrared Vision Burrowing insectoids, their iridescent chitin armour protects them, as well as confusing their prey. Confusion leads to loss of direction, apathy, and, in the worst case, memory loss. They communicate through pheromones and thus are susceptible to scents. If raised from larvae, can be used to burrow tunnels and follow simple scent-induced orders. Instinct: Dig tunnels, territorial, Find Mate
- Ambush and abduct party member
- Collapse tunnel to trap prey
- Positioned as a guardian for treasure
Skinweaver Witch Group, Stealthy, Magical, Terrifying, Intelligent Curse of Agony (3d4 damage, no wounds) 18 HP 1 armor Any Range, Ignores Armor, Special Qualities: Casts illusion spells, bewichtes the mind, controls minions, horrifying visage, organised in a coven, immortal Only the most foul witches use the art of skinweaving to extend their own life. Such a witch is warped by the magic they wield, immortality does not protect them from ageing and thus, the older they get, the more horrid they look. At the same time, they get ever more vain, wearing "their" skin dresses as prized possessions. Revealing their true self stuns them, but also draws their uttermost hatred to the person unmasking them. Instinct: Skin people, control territory, spread fear
- Lure people into a trap, wearing another person's skin, avoid detection, eat human flesh
- Illusions, Shapechanging (by wearing other's skins), moving silently, using shortcuts and secret passages
- Curses, deceives, impairs vision, creates illusions, causes fear