Most Recent Creation
Vine Mephit Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious Claws (d6 damage) 10 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Wings This small humanoid creature formed of entangled vines and leaves with thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile Instinct: To trick and trap
- Cause vines to grow ensnaring its victum
- Claws entangled creatures
- Drags/Suspends entangled creatures
- Blends into their enviroment
Most Recent Up-vote
Minotaur Solitary, Large Axe (d10+1 damage) 16 HP 1 Armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Unerring sense of direction “Head of a man, body of a bull. No, wait, I’ve got that backwards. It’s the bull’s head and the man’s body. Hooves sometimes? Is that right? I remember the old king said something about a maze? Blast! You know I can’t think under this kind of pressure. What was that? Oh gods, I think it’s coming…” Instinct: To contain
- Confuse them
- Make them lost