Giant Squid Solitary, Large, Devious, Intelligent Giant Tentacles (d8+2 damage) 16 HP 0 armor Forceful, Reach, Near Special Qualities: Aquatic Living in the depths of the sea, the giant squid is a rare and dangerous sight. Not as large or devastating as the Kraken, the giant squid is still best avoided. Instinct: Defend its territory
- Entangle in tentacles
- Drag a foe to the depths
Desert Drake Group Claw & Maw (b[2d8] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 2 armor Close Special Qualities: Heat Resistance The Desert Drake is the less intelligent cousin to Salamanders and Dragons. They stalk the desert in packs, waiting for an unawares traveler to wander off path and toward them. They don't get much in the way of food, so they make every bite count. Despite being starved creatures, they are strong and can feed partially on the Sun's light. Unfortunately for them, the hunger will always persist. Instinct: To Feed
- Attack with bestial hunger
The Salamander King Solitary, Huge, Divine, Magical, Intelligent Flame Blasts (b[2d12+5] damage) 26 HP 3 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Fire Immunity The Salamander King, or Red Giant by some, is a salamander that has drawn enough power from the flames that it's become remarkably large. Practically a dragon, its goal is to ascend to becoming as ferocious and hot as the sun itself. Instinct: Become Eternal
- Consume the mortal flame
- Control Flames
Elder Myconid Solitary, Huge, Intelligent, Cautious Slam (b[3d12+3] damage) 28 HP 5 armor Reach, Near Myconids are peaceful and curious creatures of forests and swamps. Sometimes they make dwellings in places of the old world. There’s usually only ever 1 Elder Myconid in a family. Elders are the biggest and oldest Myconid, and therefore are relied on to provide knowledge and wisdom when required. Elders usually never fight, but when forced serve as dangerous foes. Instinct: To teach
- Empart knowledge and wisdom onto others
Guardian Myconid Solitary, Large, Intelligent, Cautious Bash (b[2d12] damage) 18 HP 3 armor Reach, Near Myconids are peaceful and curious creatures of forests and swamps. Sometimes they make dwellings in places of the old world. Guardian Myconids are the protectors of the family. They defend with all their strength from dangerous threats. Their enlarged forearms provide shield-like cover and a powerful bashing attack. Instinct: To defend
- Keep other Myconids from danger
Adult Myconid Group, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Slam (d10 damage) 13 HP 2 armor Close Myconids are peaceful and curious creatures of forests and swamps. Sometimes they make dwellings in places of the old world. Adults have learned to be cautious and keep their distance from people. They are mostly interested in examining old world trinkets, and learning about the world. Instinct: To learn
- Study something new about the world
- Summon a Guardian
Adolescent Myconid Group, Small, Organized, Cautious Slam (w[2d8] damage) 10 HP 2 armor Close Myconids are peaceful and curious creatures of forests and swamps. Sometimes they make dwellings in places of the old world. Though larger than Younglings, the Adolescent Myconid is still half as tall as a human, at largest. Adolescents, while curious and mischievous like Younglings, have developed a sense of caution. Adolescents are more likely to run than fight, and call the Guardians when backed into a corner. Instinct: To learn
- Confuse or help a lost stranger
- Call a Guardian
Youngling Myconid Group, Tiny, Stealthy, Organized Mushroom limb (w[2d8-2] damage) 7 HP 0 armor Hand Myconids are peaceful and curious creatures of forests and swamps. Sometimes they make dwellings in places of the old world. The younglings, though small and weak, are the most curious and mischievous of all. Often, after encountering a group of myconid younglings, an adventurer will find their family heirloom locket or ring missing. Instinct: To discover
- Confuse or help lost strangers
- Steal something important
- Summon the Adults
The Beast Solitary Gore (b[2d10+4] damage) 20 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful, Near Special Qualities: Opposable Thumbs With huge, gnarly horns, The Beast stands stout and deadly. Though its razor fangs tear through armor, and its flesh deflects the sharpest blades, the desert barbarians of the west hunt them for their magnificent horns, which are crafted into awesome weapons and grafted onto their helmets, proving who among them are the true warriors. Instinct: to become stronger and consume.
- Make an enemy's strength its own.