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Giant Squid Solitary, Large, Devious, Intelligent Giant Tentacles (d8+2 damage) 16 HP 0 armor Forceful, Reach, Near Special Qualities: Aquatic Living in the depths of the sea, the giant squid is a rare and dangerous sight. Not as large or devastating as the Kraken, the giant squid is still best avoided. Instinct: Defend its territory
- Entangle in tentacles
- Drag a foe to the depths
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Plains Drake Solitary, Large Claws and Fire (b[2d6] damage) 16 HP 2 armor Near A large serpent like beast with a light brown colored scales. It looks like a dragon mixed with a lizard, it has no wings and crawls along in a reptile like fashion. These beasts wander grassy plains hunting down any animals that cross their path. They devour things with speed. Instinct: To hunt
- Fire breathing and huge dragon claws