Time Demon Group, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Planar Suffocating Grapple (d10+2 damage 2 piercing) 10 HP 4 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Smoke form As they rise from the surface of the Lake of Time, their forms resolve into perfectly symmetric, angular humanoid shapes, smooth masks instead of their faces, the forms on their heads resembling short hair. They seem to differentiate one from another, somewhat, perhaps delineating their genders? There are exactly nine of them, and they emerge anywhere around their target on the material plane. Instinct: Hold the target out of time until it dies.
- Appear next to a person that has been causing time fluctuations and stop it with its grapple.
- They can return to the Lake of Time at any moment.
Elemental Abomination Solitary, Large, Magical, Terrifying Fists (d10+2 damage) 24 HP 4 armor Reach, Near Special Qualities: Adapts to all the elements (fire, water, earth and air), it doesn't seem made of flesh, it looks more like a storm of the four elements fused together. Its body seems made of fire, lightning, clouds, water, ice, metal, stone, all swirling around, as they flow inside it in a way that looks painful. It's a roughly humanoid shape, except with four arms rather than two, and at least 11 feet tall if not more. It alternates walking, running on all six limbs, and floating, then it falls and it starts again. The only feature that seems to stay the same, and the only actually recognizable feature on its face, is the eyes, two glowing blue orbs, that seem consumed with madness. Instinct: Destroy whatever it perceives as the source of its madness and agony.
- Interchange attacks with different elements.
Foreclaimer Depowered Solitary, Intelligent, Hoarder bare knuckle (d12 damage 1 piercing) 16 HP 0 armor Close Even though they used to be Elves, when a Foreclaimer's power crystal is removed from its socket, they lose all skills and abilities other than basic movement and defense, as well as their Spell-Like Ability. Their lines also disappear. If left de-powered for more than a year, they will slowly begin to degrade over 100 years, eventually reducing their lifespan of 900 years by half. Instinct: To stay in its designated area and do the task at hand.
- Efficient blows with hands and feet.
Vurms Horde, Tiny, Devious Attach and decompose (d4-2 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Hand A life-form dwelling in Dwarf mines, originally found in the deep caves in the mountains around Llamedos. Swarming, or slithering, by the hundred, packs of Vurms generate a low but steady luminescence which enables the adapted eyes of Dwarfs to see their way in the deeper mines. They have other uses as well: Crushed vurms are used to produce 'night chalk', which glows for about a day and is very handy, e.g. for the marking of crime scenes in the dark. And vurm blood is used to create drahts - glowing, unique identity symbols for Deep-Downers - which are made by tattooing vurm blood under the skin. They are adapted to seldom require feeding, but are carnivorous creatures living on carrion. They are attracted to blood and corpses and will smell dead animals - or dwarfs - from a long distance. They have no teeth so they wait until their food gets runny or attaches itself to them of its own accord. After a feed, they will shine very much brighter. Almost anything is food to a vurm, who live so deep underground that even a breath is food, blood is food, and anything that was once alive, no matter how mangled it is, is food. Vurms are shown to be so attracted to blood that they would rather die then give up their feast. Instinct: It will clean any bit of meat it attaches to.
- Worms that glow with minimal light and prey on decomposing bodies and blood in general.
- It marks anything it attaches to for full 24 hours.
Gourdos Group, Magical, Construct, Amorphous arm strike, leg strike (d8 damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: It doesn't have a central place in the nervous system to target. The knowledge and instincts are spread throughout the body equally, the shape they take is born out of the will to mimic *real life* more than out of necessity, Mimicry Created by the lizard folk experimenting with creating life out of nothing, Gourdos have more in common with plants than animals even though they move like ones. Taking the shape of any living thing they come in touch with upon hatching out of the "gourds", Gourdos try to collect as many living creatures to use for taking shape and, in a weird, primitive way, study. They don't find it necessary to feed the captives, though, keeping them in sun and with plenty of water. What else would a living thing need, though? Instinct: Try to suck up and mimic the essence of animals and humanoids alike, to be more like them.
- Jump and strike the target with extra strong limbs.
Mud Mephit Group, Tiny, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Amorphous Fists (d6-2 damage) 10 HP 2 armor Hand, Near Special Qualities: While the mephit remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary mound of mud. Small and stealthy elemental, Mud Mephit is a night creature as direct sunlight dries them up so they may not move. Unlike other supernatural creatures of the swamps, who shape and try to extend the reach of their home, Mud Mephits' only task is to increase the amount of basic building materials (i.e. decomposing organics). Instinct: To trap, to dissolve.
- In small groups, they trap their prey (if medium or larger, more than one Mephit at a time) in the ground and slowly dissolve them.
- Mud Breath: When a Mud Mephit belches at a small or medium creature (even with their Last Breath), that creature must defy danger + DEX. If it fails, it is restrained for one minute.
The Shimmer Horde, Small, Organized, Hoarder claws, teeth (d6 damage 1 piercing) 3 HP 0 armor Close, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: They use their large, sloth-like claws in congruity with their tails to climb any surface, except for the magical ones. Black simians with no eyes, but with huge teeth and claws. Apparently these creatures are able to move through darkness and twilight almost without a trace, and appear where you least expect them. Instinct: Accumulate food for the young and newborns.
- Underground, their attacks ignore armor.