Gourdos | Group, Magical, Construct, Amorphous | |
arm strike, leg strike (d8 damage) | 12 HP | 3 armor |
Close, Near | ||
Special Qualities: It doesn't have a central place in the nervous system to target. The knowledge and instincts are spread throughout the body equally, the shape they take is born out of the will to mimic *real life* more than out of necessity, Mimicry |
Created by the lizard folk experimenting with creating life out of nothing, Gourdos have more in common with plants than animals even though they move like ones. Taking the shape of any living thing they come in touch with upon hatching out of the "gourds", Gourdos try to collect as many living creatures to use for taking shape and, in a weird, primitive way, study. They don't find it necessary to feed the captives, though, keeping them in sun and with plenty of water. What else would a living thing need, though? Instinct: Try to suck up and mimic the essence of animals and humanoids alike, to be more like them.
Created by: pasanov