Anubhiss Solitary, Large, Magical, Divine, Cautious, Hoarder, Construct Sandstone Slicer (d10+6 damage 2 piercing) 22 HP 5 armor Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Divine Construct, Defender of Serpent Relics A jackal-headed beast, with hulking reptilian arms crafted of black stone, and a slithering snake tail of sandstone. The saber in it's hands is as long as a horse and crackles with divine energy. This is the guardian of Serpentes himself. Instinct: To slay heretics
- Slice open pits in sand
- Regenerate itself with sandstone
Gloombeast Solitary, Large, Magical, Terrifying Hands (w[2d8] damage) 16 HP 2 armor Special Qualities: Pitch-black eyes A large, lanky thing. Almost like a troll, if a troll had little more than bones and skin. Its hands are big as paddles, which it uses to swat intruders away as it drains the light from places, turning it into an unnervingly pitch blackness. Maybe the reason its eyes are nothing but pupil is 'cause it spends all its time in darkness, but whatever the reason, they're paralyzing. Instinct: To consume light
- Create pitch-black darkness
- Teleport through shadows
- Taint flesh with darkness
Gremlin Horde, Small, Magical, Organized, Hoarder Scratch (d6 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Burrowing hands Looks like a goblin, but a little smaller and with 4 large, shovel-shaped hands for its 4 spindly arms. Eats away at buildings and their foundations for food, digging their homes throughout a castle or town. Like termites, only bigger, and sort-of humanoid. Mostly passive, unless you happen to take action against the things eating away at your home. Instinct: To consume
- Consume inanimate materials
- Strengthen itself with materials it has consumed recently
- Retreat to its hovel for aid