Gremlin Horde, Small, Magical, Organized, Hoarder
Scratch (d6 damage) 3 HP 0 armor
Special Qualities: Burrowing hands

Looks like a goblin, but a little smaller and with 4 large, shovel-shaped hands for its 4 spindly arms. Eats away at buildings and their foundations for food, digging their homes throughout a castle or town. Like termites, only bigger, and sort-of humanoid. Mostly passive, unless you happen to take action against the things eating away at your home. Instinct: To consume

  • Consume inanimate materials
  • Strengthen itself with materials it has consumed recently
  • Retreat to its hovel for aid
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: spumpkin