Key Serpent Solitary Constriction and Bite (d10+2 damage) 16 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful The key serpent is both the key and the monster. When held by someone living, the key transforms into the serpent and must be killed in order for it to transform back to a key. When in the form of the serpent it strives to kill the one who holds it. If released, it returns to the form of a key and heals all damage taken. Instinct: To kill interlopers
- Constricts and Bites
Ice Angel Solitary, Large, Divine, Intelligent, Construct, Amorphous Ice Mace (d10+6 damage) 25 HP 3 armor Forceful, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Made of living ice, Collects Woe The Ice Angel is a living ice construct created to inflict suffering in order to harvest the woe of its victims. It stands over seven feet tall, in the form of a humanoid female of amazing beauty. Its skin and clothes look bluish like thick ice. She does not speak any tongue known to man, rather her speech is the sounds of cracking ice. She carries an icy mace, spiked with numerous shards of ice that re-grow when broken in battle. Anything she touches and anywhere she stands begins to be coated in ice. Instinct: To freeze
- Inflicts woe
Ver'Sha High Priest Solitary, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Claws (d12+4 damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Its demonic body sits a top a snake torso and moves by slithering. The Ver'Sha High Priest is a planar creature and divine worshiper to the Primal Chaos. It has gained favor with Chaos and given a portion of true chaotic power. The High Priest and its lover, the Warlord have come to learn the secrets of the Ver'Sha and to command them. Together they seek to spread the force of chaos by attacking all things of order. Instinct: To spread chaos
- Destroy all order
- Channel Chaos - create a bolt or blast of chaos to damage flesh and other material
- Command the Ver'Sha Hordes
Ver'Sha Warlord Solitary, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Sword of Chaos (b[2d10+4] damage 2 piercing) 12 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Cloaked in the souls of those it has killed. The Ver'Sha Warlord is not a Ver'Sha, but rather a planar creature that has bonded to the Ver'Sha and influence the chaotic horde to do its will. The Warlord is the lover of the Ver'Sha Priest, and the two have traveled the planes spreading chaos and destruction. The Warlord collect souls, which it wears as a ethereal black cloak. It adorns itself in skulls and other bones, and carries a large irregular sword. Instinct: To rip the souls from the living
- Collect soults
- Command the Ver'Sha horde
Ver'Sha Horde, Organized, Terrifying Claws (d6 damage 1 piercing) 7 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: The Ver'Sha look like incomplete humanoids, and at the same time decaying to the forces of chaos The Ver'Sha are a humanoids of incomplete wrapped flesh upon a skeleton. Their heads have eyes and noses but ends at just a top row of teeth. The have barbs along the edges of their bodies and some minor horns on the backs of their head. The are subjected of the ravages of primal chaos, and are in a constant state of decay as their bodies unravel and flake away. Instinct: Create chaos
- Sunder all order
- The call of flesh - the Ver'Sha will howl in the presnece of the living to call other Ver'Sha to join in the destruction