Ice Angel Solitary, Large, Divine, Intelligent, Construct, Amorphous
Ice Mace (d10+6 damage) 25 HP 3 armor
Forceful, Ignores Armor
Special Qualities: Made of living ice, Collects Woe

The Ice Angel is a living ice construct created to inflict suffering in order to harvest the woe of its victims. It stands over seven feet tall, in the form of a humanoid female of amazing beauty. Its skin and clothes look bluish like thick ice. She does not speak any tongue known to man, rather her speech is the sounds of cracking ice. She carries an icy mace, spiked with numerous shards of ice that re-grow when broken in battle. Anything she touches and anywhere she stands begins to be coated in ice. Instinct: To freeze

  • Inflicts woe

Created by: DNAphil