Unhold-Bestie Solitary, Anführer 1 Klauen (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 21 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Unter den Kreaturen ist ein besonders hässliches Wesen, fast doppelt so groß wie die anderen und noch wilder. Sein schwarzes, drahtiges Haar ähnelt der Mähne eines Löwen und die Fingernägel sind bis zu 5 Zentimeter lange Reißnägel. Mit einem bestialischen Brüllen stürzt es sich auf euch! Instinct: Kämpfen und zerstören
- In Raserei geraten
- Furchterregend Brüllen
- Barrieren durchbrechen
The Spore Lord Solitary, Huge, Organized, Intelligent, Amorphous (d10+5 damage) 31 HP 3 armor Reach Special Qualities: Absorb Funglings Fungus Prime, The Sod-Father, The Guru of Spores. Whatever you call him, This large fungal mound is the progenitor of all the fungus in the area, and their protector. It is able to shed parts of it's body to grow new Fungal Warriors, or to absorb funglings into it's self to regrow. It will not lose a war of attrition. Instinct: Protect It's Home
- Slam
- Grow Warriors
Fungal Warrior Group, Devious, Organized, Amorphous (d6 damage) 13 HP 1 armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Spore Cloud These were once humans, turned into masses of fungus and plant by a spell gone awry. They abhor strangers in their territory, and will lash out (quite literally) with vine like arms to defend their home. In a pinch they can scatter spores to pooison nearby enemies or to sprout fungling minions. Instinct: Defend it's territory
- Vine Lash
- Spore Cloud
- Sow the Seeds
Busted automaton Solitary, Magical Slashing claws, terrible blows (d12 damage) 12 HP 6 armor Close These automatons were crafted by the sorcerer-giants of a forgotten age. Giant suits of armor almost eight feet tall, they have one gauntleted hand, and one that is a tool of some kind (a crushing claw, a driving hammer, a boring drill, etc). Contained within the chest of the armor is an infernal furnace powered by the necrotic sorcery that feeds on the giant organ that has been preserved for centuries within. This particular one has seen much damage over the years, leaving it's chest plate cracked open, showing the shriveled, but still massive, kidney within floating in a sickly green fluid. Instinct: To steal living organs
- Prowl the land, looking for flesh to steal
Secret Fire Adept Group, Stealthy Dagger (d6 damage) 6 HP 0 armor hand Lambs of the Secret Fire Cult Instinct: To obey the leader
- Perform a fire ritual
- separate and ambush
- sacrifice itself for the cult
Secret Fire Ward Group, Organized, Intelligent Iron Spear (d8 damage 1 piercing) 8 HP 2 armor Close, Reach Strongmans of the secret fire cult Instinct: To serve the Cult
- Bully, threaten, intimidate
- Cover each other’s backs
- Fight until the end
Pristine Servant Solitary, Divine, Devious, Intelligent Dagger (d8+2 damage) 12 HP 1 armor hand Special Qualities: fireproof leader of the secret fire cult, an organization that spreads fear of the ancient fire and governs through fear and violence. Instinct: to worship the fire
- spread the primal fear of flame
- inflame others to fight by its side
- set things on fire