maton del "Fury quill" Group, Divine, Intelligent, Cautious (b[2d6+6] damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful Instinct: Busca prolongar la guerra
- Seguir las ordenes de su comandante
Comandante del "Fury quill" Solitary, Stealthy, Divine, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Daga carmesi (d10+2 damage 3 piercing) 18 HP 2 armor Close Envuelto en una mascara plateada con forma de espiral que deja detras cualqueir atisbo de humanidad el comandante de la "Fury quill" dirije la fuerza milital por antonomancia de Otenok. Instinct: Busca prolongar la guerra
- Dirigir espias y matones
- misty step
- Misil magico
- llamar subordinados
Profesor Gregorius Lehnsherr Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder bastonazo sombrio (w[2d6+2] damage) 22 HP 6 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Far El profesor Profesor Gregorius Lehnsherr es una de las tres cabecillas del gremio de heroes de Simarah. Es un humano delgado, encorvado y de tez palida con cabellos marrones. Suele vestir completamente de negro y con un baston e ir acompañado de un de un cuervo etereo hecho de pura sombra. Instinct: Mantener sus secretos
- Comandar el gremio de heroes
- desaparecer en las sombras
- Magia de sombras
- ahogar a sus enemigos en las sombras
skeletal acolytes Group Mace (d8 damage) 4 HP 3 armor Close Special Qualities: Undead Reanimated victims of this cursed location. Instinct: Guard Ruins
- Slay the Living
- Awaken from dust and bones
- Glare with malice
Cultist Warlock Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder Ray of Decay (b[2d10+2] damage) 16 HP 4 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Near, Far A warlock of Pestilence, granted more power within the cult. Commands platoons of standard cultist in battle. Instinct: Eliminate those who oppose the cult
- Leads Groups of cultist
- Summon Insect Swarms
Corpse Monstrosity Solitary, Large, Terrifying Slam (d10 damage) 20 HP 0 armor Special Qualities: Undead Bodies of defeated adventures held together by a corrupted magical crystal to form a horrible corpse golem. Instinct: Crush the living!
- Assembles from corpses
- Powered by an evil magic crystal
- Relentless
Nothic Solitary, Intelligent, Terrifying Gaze (1d12] damage) 12 HP 1 armor Far, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Single eye that can rot flesh Nothics resemble hunched, misshapen humanoids with an awkward gait. Their most distinctive feature is a the large, single eye that dominates their face. When driven to violence, it uses its horrific gaze to rot the flesh from its enemies’ bones. Nothics are utterly insane, capering, gibbering and taunting the adventuring party. Nothics are aberrant creatures variously said to have drifted into this plane from a hell dimension, or to have been created from wizards who, in their research of arcane secrets, stumbled across a curse left by a demon lord. If the latter is true, then nothics retained no awareness of their former selves but are nonetheless driven by half-remembered memories and desires they no longer understand. Nothics are also known to be drawn to places of magical learning, infiltrating and lurking inside such places. Their insanity gives them a strange understanding of forbidden lore and secrets, and they covet magic items. It was said they are drawn to such places out of a half-understood obsession with reversing their condition. Instinct: Taunt
- Collects secrets
- Collects magical items
- Sulks in darkness
Sonnenkäfer Horde, Tiny, Magical, Organized, Hoarder, Amorphous Glyphenzauber (d6-2 damage) 6 HP 5 armor Hand, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Schwebend Diese Wesen aus Metall und Glas sammeln sich in kleinen Gruppen um mit ihren integrierten Spiegeln Sigel aus Licht zu erschaffen. Gemeinsam können sie so magische Angriffe starten. Zudem können die Gläsernen Kugeln umgeben von sechs schwebenden Runenscheiben ähnlich einer Flashbang aufleuchten und einen lauten Schlag erzeugen. Besonders problematisch ist es, wenn sich mehrere Gruppen begegnen und zu einem Schwarm zusammen finden, da sie so wesentlich mächtigere Sigel erzeugen können. Instinct: einen Schwarm bilden
- grell wie die Sonne strahlen
- Gemeinsam mit anderen eine Glyphe bilden
- Knall zum Alarmieren des Schwarms
False Hydra Solitary, Huge, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying, Amorphous Bite (d8+3 damage) 23 HP 5 armor Reach, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Multiple heads, Instinct: Engañar viajeros
- Controlar mentes
- Control mental
- Engañar mentes
- control mental
- feywild
Elsa, ministro del invierno Solitary, Magical, Organized, Planar arco y flecha (b[2d10] damage) 12 HP 1 armor Close, Reach, Far Special Qualities: Alada Instinct: Proteger a titania
- Proteger a titania
- Llamar refuerzos
- Feywild